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As they pull into the drive way, Tim turns off the car and hands Avi the keys.

"I'll get Avery, you can unlock the door." Tim says before getting out of the car.

The Kaplans pulls in and parks as Avi politely waits for his parents.

Tim unbuckles Avery's seat belt, taking off her glasses he slips them into the pocket of his jacket. He gently picks his sleeping daughter up out of the car seat. She lays her head on his shoulder and wraps her little arms around his neck but never wakes up. Tim carefully reaches back into the car and gets her diaper bag.

"You need any help." Michael chuckles. "Looks like you've got your arms full."

"Thank you." Tim says as he hands his father-in-law the diaper bag. "She is beginning to be an arm full. She's growing so fast."

They walk into the house where Avi and his Mother were already busy fixing them some drinks.

"I'm going to put her to bed." Tim says softly.

"Good night, Angel." Avi whispers quietly as he kisses his daughter's cheek.

Shelley follows Tim to the nursery so she could see what it looks like.

"Pink camouflage?" She giggles softly. "It's so pretty."

"Thank you." Tim smiles as he lays Avery down in her bed. "Avi and I did it. I think it turned out pretty good."

"It's beautiful. You guys did an awesome job." She smiles then leans over giving her grand daughter a good night kiss. "She's so beautiful."

"We think so." Tim says proudly as he looks down at their daughter.

He turns on the night light and turns off the overhead light as they are leaving.

"Is she sleeping all night yet?" Shelly asks as they walk back into the kitchen where Avi and his dad were sitting at the table.

"Most nights she does." Tim answers as he grabs a beer from the refrigerator.

"How long are ya'll planning on staying?" Avi asks with a smile as Tim sits down next to him.

"A few days. If that's no problem." Michael answers.

"No problem at all." Tim says shaking his head. He puts his arm around the back of Avi's chair.

"No, of course not. We love having you here." Avi grins. "I miss ya'll so much."

"Well, you guys could always move to New York." Michael suggests.

Tim almost chokes on his beer and his face loses all color.

Michael burst out laughing. "I'm joking, Tim." Patting his son-in-law on the back.

"You scared me." Tim chuckles as he brushes his hair back.

"I can imagine Avi trying to pull you away from these mountains." Michael laughs.

"To tell you the truth, I've grown a little fond of them myself." Avi smiles, looking at his husband.

"Every season, the mountains have something to offer. Whether it's the snow on the mountains, the beautiful spring flowers, the warm summer nights laying out under the stars, or the beautiful array of colors from the changing leaves." Tim says as if his mind had drifted off..

"Those are beautiful words coming from a man who loves the mountains." Shelley smiles.

"They're a part of me." Tim shrugs. "They're all I've every known."

"Well, you and the mountains really have Avi hooked." Shelley smiles as she rubs her son on the arm. "I remember when he came back home after his little road trip."

"Mom." Avi says softly shaking his head, his cheeks beginning to blush.

"You were all he talked about. And he was so excited about the things that he got to do while he was here. Oh, and the look in his eyes was pure love whenever he talked about you." Shelley smiles at her blushing son. "But he was also so miserable."

"He wasn't the only miserable." Tim says as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Being honest, I started drinking pretty heavily. Trying to ease the loneliness but it didn't work. My friends tried to help. But all I could think of was Avi."

"I remember my dad telling me that home was where the heart was." Avi smiles. "And he was right. The minute I drove back into Stone Mountain, I felt like I was home."

"Gosh, that seems like so long ago." Tim says, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, leaning on the table.

"Doesn't it though." Avi smiles as he lays his head over on his husband's shoulder.

"And now you have a beautiful daughter." Shelley says with a sweet smile.

"Yea, and she's spoiled so bad she stinks." Tim chuckles as he rubs his tired eyes.

"And whose fault is that?" Michael chuckles.

Avi points at Tim and Tim points to himself.

"I'm the bad guy." Avi giggles. "Tim doesn't have the heart to spank her. So I have to be the one to discipline her."

"I'm trying to get better." Tim says softly.

"Yea, you are." Avi says with a yawn.

"Well, it's getting late. I think we need to get some sleep." Michael says as he gets up to put his cup in the sink.

"I'll help you get your luggage." Tim says as he throws his beer bottle in the trash.

"Avi, where's your extra blankets and pillows?" Shelley asks as she also gets up.

"Ya'll are staying in the bedroom." Avi says as he stands up.

"Sweetheart, we can't run you out of your bed." Shelly says.

"You're not running us out." Avi laughs. "Ya'll are our guest."

"You know that sleeper couch hurts Tim's back." Shelley says, putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh, he'll be fine." Avi says, waving her off as Tim and Micheal walks in with the suit cases. 

Avi smiles innocently at his husband.



** TIVI !! **

*~*  SANDRA  *~*

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