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*** I am ending "Champagne Taste" with this chapter. BUT!!! I've decided to start "Champagne Taste 2"!!! Keep a watch out for it!! ***


"We're home!" Avi calls as he and Tim walk through the front door.

"Mommy, Daddy! Mommy Daddy!" Avery squeals as she runs to them.

"Hey, Sweetie. Mommy and daddy missed you so much." Avi reaches down and scoops up their daughter into a tight hug.

"Well, did you guys have a nice time?" Shelley asks as she turns down the tv.

"We had an awesome time." Tim smiles as he sets down the suitcases. "Thank y'all so much for that. We really needed it."

"I thought you might." Michael chuckles. "Uh, Avi, your mother and I have to head back to New York in the morning."

"Aww, why?" Avi pouts as he hands Avery over to Tim.

"Settling some new business." Michael answers.

"Seems like you just got here." Avi says as he wraps his arm around his mother.

"Well, at least we got to know our granddaughter." Shelley smiles, reaching over and rubbing Avery on the back.

Avery was hugging her daddy tightly around the neck.

"I think she's missed you guys just a little bit." Shelly giggles.

"We've practically been inseparable since we got her. Except for when we're at the bar." Tim says with a smile.

"Well, just don't forget to take time for yourselves every now and then." Michael says.

"We won't Poppa." Avi smiles over at Tim. "We've already talked about it."

"Are you singing at the bar tonight, Tim?" Michael asks.

"No, we just sing on Friday and Saturday nights." Tim answers.

"Well, I was thinking maybe if you guys could find a babysitter maybe the four of us could go have a few drinks." Michael suggests.

"Uh, Ericha usually don't go during the week. So she could probably watch Avery." Tim says. "Besides, Avery loves playing with Cerise."

"I mean if that's alright? If you want to spend time with your daughter, We'll understand." Michael chuckles.

Tim looks at Avi and he nods with a smile, wanting to spend a little extra time with his parents.

"Sure, we'll go." Tim answers. "I'll go call Ericha."

Avi started packing Avery's diaper bag. He knew Ericha would jump at the chance to babysit.

"She said to bring her on over." Tim says walking back into the room.

They dropped Avery off at Ericha's. She was so excited to be the first, besides the grandparents, to babysit.

She told Tim that Austin had come by and he and Adam went to the bar.

As they walk into the bar, they could hear Austin cussing a video game that he and Adam were playing.

Chris was sitting at the bar talking to Chance and Jenika.

"Awww, where's the little princess?" Jenika asks with a pout.

"Ericha's got her." Tim answers, holding Avi's hand as they head to a table.

"You know you probably won't get her back, right?" Adam chuckles, never taking his eyes off the game.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan." Rob smiles. "Enjoying your stay?"

"Loving it but going to have to cut it short." Shelley smiles. "We have to leave in the morning. Michael has business to take care off."

"Hate to hear that. What could I get y'all to drink?" Kelsey asks sweetly.

Shelley and Avi ordered Champagne, Michael a Martini and Tim, of course, ordered a beer.

It being a weekday there weren't that many customers at the bar. Soon the whole gang had gathered around the table laughing and talking with the Kaplans.

"Could I ask a huge favor of you guys before we head back off to the Big Apple tomorrow?" Michael asks.

"Sure." They all answer with a shrug.

"I know you guys don't usually perform during the week, but I was wondering if you could sing a few songs for us?" Michael asks.

"I don't see a problem with that." Austin says with a smile. "Let's go guys."

The guys gather on stage discussing amongst themselves on what songs to sing as Avi relaxes with his parents.

They start off with "Snapback", "Thinking Out Loud / Let's Get It On", "My Church" and "Colder Weather". They pull Avi on stage to help with Michael's favorite song "Ring Of Fire" then ends the set with Shelley's favorite "How Great Thou Art".

"That was absolutely beautiful." Shelley says hugging her son-in-law as they come off of the stage. "Thank you."

"Well, that's normally not a song that you hear in a bar but Avi had told me it was your favorite. So we thought we'd throw it in." Tim smiles.

"You guys did a very beautiful job." Shelley smiles.

The guys spent the rest of the evening telling the Kaplans stories of Avi's adventures in becoming a country boy. From hauling hay to learning how to drive a tractor. From swinging on a rope into the lake to riding the mechanical bull. Even his first and last try at eating chitlins. He swore on his life he would never do it again. (A/N Chitlins is a food dish made from the small intestines of a pig)

The Kaplans had realized just why their son loved this place so much. Not only was the scenery absolutely breathtaking but the people were so friendly and made you feel right at home.

Someone like Tim wasn't exactly who they had imagined Avi would end up being married to. But the love in the country boy's eyes when he looks at their son, tells them that Avi had made the right decision.

They would definitely be back to visit. Shelley wanted to try swinging from the rope into the lake and Tim vowed to get Michael on the bull.


Hope you enjoyed Champagne Taste. The story is not over. It will continue on in Champagne Taste 2!!!

A HUGE THANK-YOU to aviouslykaty for helping me start this story.

At one point we both sort of lost interest in the book and let it set on the shelf for a while. I finally took it off the shelf, dusted the dust and spider webs off and decided to continue on.

Thank you all for reading and watch for CHAMPAGNE TASTE 2!!!!!

Love Ya!

*~* SANDRA *~*

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