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Avi sits in the examining chair at the eye doctor's holding Avery in his lap as the doctor examines her eyes. Something that she was not too happy about.

Tim sits in a chair nearby nervously bouncing his leg.

"Well." The doctor states after he was through with the exam. "Your daughter has Myopia, better known as being near-sighted. She's able to see things up close but far off things are blurry. There's many causes for Myopia, But at her young age, it's probably hereditary. Do either of you wear glasses or contacts?"

"No, I don't. I have 20/20 vision." Avi says with a smile.

"I'm...I'm suppose to wear glasses." Tim says but decides to change the subject after a surprised glance from his husband. "But our daughter is adopted, and there's no family medical history."

"Oh, I see. Well we'll just fix little Miss Avery up with a pair of glasses and she'll be good as new." The doctor smiles at the baby snuggling in Avi's arms. 

After finally agreeing on some frames, the doctor takes the prescription to his lab.

Avi sits down next to Tim after the doctor leaves the room.

"Why didn't you tell me that you needed glasses?" Avi ask curiously.

"I never really thought about it." Tim shrugs. "The topic never came up."

"You know your eyes are just gonna get worse, with you straining them. You're gonna have your eyes checked while your here." Avi says giving him a look telling him, this conversation is over.

Tim sighs, running a hand through his hair. He thought that he would have gotten use to the idea of Avi getting his way with him. Avi, being an only child to a very rich couple, was use to always getting what he wanted.

"Anything else I can help you with, while your waiting on her glasses?" The doctor ask as he walks back into the room.

"Uh, yes. Do you have time to check his eyes?" Avi ask pointing to Tim.

"As a matter of fact, I do." The doctor smiles as he pats the examining chair. "Mr. Foust?"

Tim gives Avi an 'I get you for this' look before slowly standing up and making his way to the chair.

"Sorry, Tim." The doctor says after he was done with the examination. "But you definitely need glasses. You're also near-sighted."

Tim sighs and looks around at his husband only to be greeted by a sweet 'I'm sorry, Baby' look.

"I can prescribe you some glasses and some contacts. The contacts may take about a week to come in but we can fix you up with your glasses today." The doctor smiles.

"Great." Tim says sarcastically.

After trying on several frames, Avi picks up a pair a wire frames. "Try these on."

Tim puts on the frames then brushes his hair back before looking around at Avi,

Avi smiles and bites his bottom lip. He leans over to Tim.

"Those look sexy on you, Cowboy." He whispers nears Tim's ear.

"Stop trying to butter me up, cause it's not going to work." Tim says softly with a smile.

"Oh, I think it already has." Avi says with a smirk on his lips.

Tim gives a heavy sigh, taking off the frames. "I guess I'll take these." He says handing the frames to the doctor.

Yep, Avi got his way again.



** TIVI **

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