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Tim sat on the couch playing with Avery, while Avi went to the kitchen to get them something to drink.

They realized really quick, that as long as Tim was wearing his glasses, Avery was fine wearing her's. But whenever Tim tried to take his off, she would start to fuss wanting her's off too. So Tim was forced to wear his glasses whether he wanted to or not.

There was a knock on the door causing Avery to jump and look at the door and then back up at her daddy.

Tim gasp. "Who do you think is at the door, huh? Which Uncle do you think it is? You wanna make bet?" 

"TIM!" Avi scolds from the kitchen. 

"Mom is no fun, is he." Tim pouts.

"Did you just call me mom to her?" Avi chuckles as he came from the kitchen with two glasses of tea.

"Yep, cause I'm daddy." Tim says as he gets up with Avery and goes to the door.

"Well, if it ain't the Rupp brothers." Tim laughs as he opens the door.

Avery almost jumps out of Tim's arms when she sees Chris.

"Whoa there, cowgirl." Tim says as he grabs her to keep her from falling.

She was kicking both legs and was reaching for Chris.

"Awww, look at her glasses." Adam smiles. "They're so cuuutteeee. Whoa wait a minute, Tim why are you wearing glasses?"

"Don't even ask." Tim frowns shaking his head. "Chris, you will take her before I drop her." She was squirming so bad in her daddy's arms that he was having trouble holding on to her.

"Come here to your Uncle Chris, cowgirl." Chris grins as he takes the baby in his arms.

She giggles and looks up at the ball cap that he was wearing.

"I think she wants you to take your cap off, Baldy." Adam chuckles as he walks pass them.

"Would y'all like anything to drink?" Avi ask from his seat on the couch.

"Naw, I'm good." Adam says sitting down next to Tim, staring at him.

Chris sit down in the recliner and took his cap off. Avery begin to giggle and tries to stand up in his lap.

"She really likes your bald head, Chris." Avi laughs.

"Yea, I noticed." Chris laughs as Avery rubs her hand on his head.

Tim could feel Adam staring at him so he slowly turns his head toward him.

Adam stays quiet but smiles at the bass man.

"You got something to say?" Tim ask raising an eyebrow.

"They look good on you." Adam smirks.

"Thank you. Do they make me look smarter?" Tim smirks.

"Uhhh, sure." Adam says dropping his smirk. Tim chuckles loudly.

"Uh, Okay, guys. Your daughter is drooling on my head." Chris says.

"Oh, Avery." Avi gets up to go get a towel for Chris. He also brings a bottle back with him to distract her from poor Chris's head.

Avery takes the bottle and happily lays down in Chris's lap.

"You know we have rehearsals tonight before the show, right?" Chris ask Tim.

"I do now." Tim laughs.

"Y'all bringing Avery?" Chris ask, looking around at Avi.

"Are we allowed too?" Avi ask.

"Ericha and I bring Cerise all the time. Just whenever Rob unlocks the door, Ericha takes her to the back lounge." Adam says. "Kelsey stays back there too. They would love to watch her."

"Good, I thought I was gonna have to start missing the shows. So I can still go and keep an eye on my sexy husband." Avi smiles lovingly at Tim.

"Yea, those glasses will be a real turn on to the ladies." Adam chuckles.

Tim quickly reaches up and takes his glasses off.

"Adam, that was mean." Avi says.

Avery sits up in Chris's lap and stares at her daddy. She pouts and drops her bottle, letting it fall to the floor. She begins to pull at her glasses and whines.

Tim sighs and slowly puts his glasses back on.



** SANDRA **

** TIVI **

**TIDAM **

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