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"Come on, Sweetie." Tim walks over to Chris to take Avery from his arms. "I know you love your Uncle Chris, but it's gettin late and we're all tired."

Avery screams, kicking her little legs and swinging her arms. Her arm comes up, hitting Tim in the face knocking his glasses to the floor.

Avi covers his mouth in shock.

"AVERY REGAN!! STOP IT!!" Tim raises his deep voice. "There ain't no sense in this sh.... crap."

Tim rubs the bridge of his nose, where the nose pieces of the glasses hit him. His eyes begin to water from the pain.

"Babe, are you alright?" Avi ask, bending down to pick up Tim's glasses from the floor.

"That hurt." Tim says as he wipes his watering eyes.

Avery stares at him with large eyes, pouting.

"Daddy loves you, but these little tantrums has got to stop." Tim says softly looking down at his daughter.

Avi took Tim's watering eyes to use in their favor. "Avery, you made daddy cry. You hurt daddy." Avi said with a pout.

Avery looks at Avi then at Tim. She sobs and lays her head on Tim's chest.

Tim smiles, there was no way he could be mad at this little angel. "Daddy's alright." He whispers, rubbing her on the back. "Tell everybody bye. We need to go home."

Adam comes from the back room carrying Cerise, who was asleep in his arms.

"Having problems. I heard her screaming all the way in the back room." Adam laughed.

"Yea, I think she has her first crush. And it's on your brother." Tim chuckles.

"Listen from one who knows. It doesn't make you a bad parent if you pop that butt. I don't care what people says. Ericha and I went through the same thing with Cerise. She was learning quickly that she could get her way by throwing her little fits." Adam says, smiling down at his daughter. "Tim, you guys have to make her mind you. You guys are the parents. Yea, I almost cried when I first popped that little butt of her's. I'm not saying she's completely stopped her little fits, she still tries. But she's learning that she can't have her way all the time."

"I guess, Adam, with us being new adopted parents, we feel like we're being watched. Making sure we're not abusive or anything to her." Avi say as he rubs his now sleeping daughter on the back.

"Guys." Adam says shaking his head. "A little pop on the butt is NOT being abusive. Beating a child is. Making a child mind and learning right from wrong is being a responsible parent."

"I know our parents spanked our butts." Chris laughs. "And I'm sure I'm speaking for Adam as well. My parents are my heroes. They kept us from straying into a bad life, by spanking our butts when we did wrong."

"Shoot, I know my dad carried me behind the woodshed a few times." Rob chuckles, rubbing his butt.

"I didn't get that many spankings." Austin smiles. "I have an older sister and I learned from her mistakes."

"I never thought of that." Adam laughs. "I should have paid more attention to what Chris was doing wrong. I could have saved my butt."

"Well, I never got any spankings." Avi added.

"That's because you're a spoiled little rich kid." Tim laughs.

"I am NOT spoiled." Avi says crossing his arms across his chest, like a spoiled child not getting his way.

"Yes you are. That's why I have to pop that butt every now and then." Tim smiles leaning over and giving Avi a soft tender kiss.

"Oh yea, I forgot." Avi giggles, wrapping his arms around Tim's neck and kissing him.

"Okay, no sex in my bar." Rob laughs pushing them toward the door.

"Let's go home and put her to bed. Then I'm gonna wear your bottom out." Tim smirks. Avi giggles and bites his bottom lip.

"Ooo, sounds kinky." Avi smirks, playing with the buttons on Tim's shirt.

"Ugh!" Austin moans, covering his ears. "My virgin ears."

"Seriously?" Olena ask after being quiet the whole time.



** SANDRA **

**TIVI **

Champagne TasteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora