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"Tim," Avi poked on his husbands shoulders over and over again.

"Tim, Tim, Tim," he bounced lightly on the couch, straddling Tim's waist as he tried to wake him up. "Tiiiiiimmmyyyyy!"

Avi pouted when Tim wouldn't wake up. He knew that he was either sleeping really hard, or he was messing with him.

"Timmy!" He whined, hitting his lovers chest lightly. "Why are you being mean to me?"

Tim snickered quietly, opening his eyes to look up at the man child. "I'm not. I was sleeping."

Avi crossed his arms and looked out the window where all the excitement was happening. "Yeah okay," he sassed.

Tim sighed and put his hands on Avi's hips. "Fine. Timothy is sorry to upset Avriel," he pouted.

Avi cut his eyes over at him. "You did not just speak in third person."

Tim grinned. "Timothy did."

Avi rolled his eyes and looked down at Tim. "Stop being so cute. It's snowing outside!" He giggled and jumped up.

Tim laughed and literally rolled off the couch before standing up and grabbing Avi into his arms. "Is that so?"

Avi nodded excitedly and pointed outside. "Look!"

"Can we go play in it?!" His green eyes lit up as he looked up to his other half.

Tim gave a small chuckle at Avi's childlike manner and kissed his nose. He nodded once.

"Gotta get changed first."


Avi squealed and tried to shield his body from the flying snowballs. All he was trying to do was build a snowman. A wimpy one, but still a snowman.

"Instead of ganging up on me, you should come help me," Avi pouted. He noticed that Austin and Olena had showed up at some point.

The four of them looked up when they noticed three other trucks pulling into the yard. The occupants of the trucks began to get out, and Avi smiled.

He walked over and greeted them, informing them that the other three were being mean to him and not helping him build a snowman.

They all headed to join the three friends, and Avi sat down in the snow.

"I bet Cerise would help me," Avi said as he looked up at the little girl, who had scuttled over at the mention of her name.

Avi watched as she bent down and picked up a small amount of snow in her hand. He smiled thinking she was actually going to help him, but he jumped and pouted when he felt the cold solid hit his face.

The baby's giggling started, and the other adults laughed along with her.

Avi crossed his arms and sniffled.

"You guys are mean."

Kaytlyn 🦁

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