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Tim pouts and walks slowly to his bedroom. He sits down on the bed and smiles when he hears Avi's beautiful voice singing softly in the kitchen.

Tim falls back on his bed, how he wished he could wake up every morning to this. He closes his eyes, why did he allow himself to fall so hard for this city boy. Knowing all along, that he would end up going back home to New York. Avi's car would be fixed this week and then he would probably be gone.

He was deep in thought and close to slipping back off to sleep when he felt a hand lightly brush his cheek and a kiss on his forehead. He slowly opens his eyes and looks into the beautiful green eyes staring down at him.

"You hungry, Baby?" Avi ask in a whisper.

Tim reaches up and gently rub the back of his knuckles along Avi's jaw. He nods and smiles sadly.

Avi notices the sudden sadness in his brown eyes. He leans down and softly kisses him.

"What's wrong, Baby" He whispers.

Tim gives a slight shake of his head, reaching up he pulls Avi to his chest.

Avi knew exactly what was making Tim sad. It was the same thing that had been on his mind too. He would probably be going back home to New York in a few days. 

But how was he suppose to leave this country boy, that he had fallen madly in love with. Was he suppose to just forget about the way he felt the first time Tim kissed him. Or yesterday, when they made love for the first time. Was he suppose to just forget everything that he had experienced here.

The beautiful star lit nights, the smoke covered mountains and the best and only friends he's ever had. Strangers that had welcomed him with open arms and made him feel wanted.

"Breakfast is getting cold." Tim mumbled bringing Avi out of his thoughts.

"After we eat do you want to go for a ride on the four-wheeler?" Tim ask brushing back Avi's hair, kissing him on the forehead.

"That sounds awesome." Avi said getting up taking Tim by the hand pulling him up. "I've never rode one before."

"Trust me, you're gonna love it. There's mountain streams up here undisturbed by civilization. Wear something comfortable, especially shoes, in case we do some hiking." Tim says sitting down at the table. He takes a bite of the breakfast Avi had made for him. It was absolutely awesome.

"Holy cow, City Boy!" He looks up at Avi's waiting eyes. "This is delicious. I had no idea you could cook like this."

"I learned from our cooks." Avi smiled. "I love to cook, just never had a reason."

"Well, you're welcome to cook for me any time. Cause i can't cook." Tim laughs taking another bite. "I can grill pretty good. But as for using the stove, forget it. I'd burn the house down."

Avi looks at him with a puzzled look. "If you don't cook, then why is your refrigerator fully stocked?"

"Kelsey." Tim said taking a sip of coffee. "Her and Rob worry about me living here alone and all. So when she goes to get groceries for them, she picks up extra. They have a key to my house so if I'm not here, she'll even come in and put everything away. I came home one time and found her and Olena cleaning my house and washing some of my clothes. They try to take care of me." Tim chuckles.

Avi smiles at the closeness of Tim and his friends. They were his family. Avi wanted friends like that. He wanted to be a part of this life. Somehow.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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