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"Come here, Kevin. Let me show you something." Avi said getting up from the floor and walking out on his balcony.

Kevin followed close behind him.

"Look around and tell me what you see, Kev." Avi said to see friend.

Kevin looks around and shrugs, "Buildings, bright lights, flashing billboards."

"Exactly." Avi said getting his phone and going to his photos. "Now this is what you see from Tim's front porch." He shows him several picture of the beautiful mountains. And a picture of a mother deer and two babies that were in the front yard.

"That's beautiful, Avi." Kevin said.

Avi looked up. "And when you looked up, all you saw was billions of stars and an occasional shooting star. Not blinding lights. And instead of all this noise, all you heard was crickets. I loved it. His friends were amazing. They taught me how to line dance and two-step." He said with a smirk.

"Really, I would have loved to seen that." Kevin chuckled.

"I swung out over the lake on a rope. That was so much fun. Tim was so proud of me." He said smiling at the thought.

"Sounds like he loves you a lot." Kevin said.

"He does. And I broke his heart." Avi said sadly.

"Is this him in this picture?" Kevin ask looking at a picture Avi had on his phone. Avi nods. "Nice looking guy."

"What are you talking about? He's gorgeous." Avi smiles.

"You know Avi, since you've been home the only time I've seen you smile is when you're talking about Tim and the things you got to experience while you were there. Avi, you're 26 years old. You can't live with mom and dad forever. You need your own life. Forgive me if I'm stepping out of line. You need to go back to Stone Mountain, Ga., and make that cowboy yours." Kevin said putting an arm around his friend's shoulder.


Tim sat in his living in total silence staring blankly at the wall, drinking another beer. No matter how drunk he got, he could not stop thinking about the city slicker.

He had the front door open allowing the cool mountain air in. Someone pecked on the screen door then opened it. Tim slowly shifted his eyes to see his friends walking in.

"Come on in, kick off your shoes, pull up a chair and stay awhile." He said in a drunken slur. Lighting a cigarette.

"How many of those have you had?" Austin ask looking at all the beer bottles.

Tim rubs his red puffy bloodshot eyes. "Not enough. You see, I'm trying to drink him off my mind. But it's not working. Hey." He said chuckling looking around at Chris. "That sounds like a country song."

Chris puts an arm around Tim's shoulder. "You love him, Tim. That's why it's not working." Tim looks at him with tears in his eyes.

He hangs his head bringing a shaky hand up covering his eyes, breaking down into heavy sobs.

"I haven't done nothing but cry since he left. You'd think I would run out of tears eventually." He said wiping his eyes.

"Have you had anything to eat?" Rob ask stooping down in front of him, laying a hand on his knee.

"No, I don't think I have." Tim said sniffling, running a hand through his hair.

"Well, you're coming to my house. Kelsey is fixin' supper right now. And don't try arguing with me." Rob said giving his wife a quick call.

"I can't drive. Hell, I can't even walk." Tim said putting out his cigarette.

"Avi ask me to take care of you and that includes making sure you eat. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do." Chris said standing up, grabbing one of Tim's arms. "Adam, grab his other arm."

Together they hoisted a very drunk Tim off the couch. Austin grabbed Tim's phone, jacket, and keys.

"Rob, Lead the way." Chris said.


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**  AMERICA!!  **

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