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Avi woke up to a very quiet house. No noises of a big city but peaceful quiet.

The last thing he remembered was being in Tim's truck. And now he was in his bed. Did Country boy carry him to bed? He smiled at the thought. He got up and took a shower and grabbed some clothes out of his suit case to put on. He tied his hair back in a man bun then slipped out of his room to see if Cowboy was up yet.

The house was quiet and Tim's bedroom door was closed but not all the way. Avi quietly pushed the door open a little and peeked in. He smiled at the sight of Tim lying sound asleep wearing nothing but his boxers.

'WOW!' He mouthed to himself as he quietly pulled the door closed. He went back to his room and made his bed. He didn't have a dresser yet but he did have a closet. So he started getting his clothes out of the suit cases and hanging them up. 

He was almost finished when he heard the bathroom door close. He headed to the kitchen passing by the bathroom on the way, hearing the shower running. 

He got him a glass of orange juice and sit down at the table checking his messages. He had several from his parents, wanting to know where he was.

He glanced up in time to see Tim walking through just wearing a towel around his waist.

"Good morning." Avi said with a smirk. 

Tim jumped and and looked around at him with a surprised look on his face.

"Oh...uh...I didn't expect you to be up already." Tim said clearly embarrassed. "I...uh.. forgot to get my clothes." He smiled shyly and headed to his bedroom.

Avi chuckles and looks back at his phone. "Mhmm, maybe next time you'll forget your towel." He mumbles to himself.

A few minutes later Tim came out of his bedroom wearing jeans, a western shirt and a blazer. He sat down on the couch putting on his boots.

"I thought maybe we could stop somewhere for breakfast then drive on to Atlanta to get you some stuff for your room." He said standing up running a hand through his hair.

"That sounds totally Rock and Roll." Avi said getting up and heading to his room to get his shoes.

Tim chuckles and shakes his head, "O.K.?"

He grabs his keys and they head out to his truck.

Walking to his truck he hears Avi, "Oh my God." He stops and looks around to see him looking at something. 

"What's wrong?" He ask walking back to the City Slicker.

"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Avi said pointing at the mountains partly covered with white clouds.

"Ain't it though." Tim said looking at the mountains he calls home.

"It's breathtaking." Avi whispers.

"So are you." Tim says softly.

"What?" Avi whispers looking into Tim's brown eyes.

"I said so are you." Tim said placing his hand gently on Avi's cheek, leaning in kissing him softly on the lips.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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