Chapter 20

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It was Monday morning and the Robinsons all had a busy day ahead of them. Drew was going into work for a few hours early this morning and Alex was going to go by Angel's house later to help her plan for the get-together that weekend, and Joy was going to Drill team camp. Before goes to Angel's house, she and Drew were going to the adoption agency. They were both nervous about it, but they were ready.

Alex was taking her time getting ready for work while Drew was in the shower. She was stretched across their bed, watching the news.

For the third time, LaTrice had called Drew's phone this morning and it was now seven thirty.

"I hope you know that every time you call Drew's phone, I'm going to answer it. Either you can stop calling or just tell me what is it that you need so that I could help you, so that you could stop calling?" Alex said with annoyance.

"And I'll keep calling until he answers." LATrice responded. "Don't be an insecure wife."

"Trust me, there are no insecurities here. Maybe if you'd done what I'm doing, yo would still have him." She said slyly. 

"Whatever, just let Drew know that I'll be there to pick up our daughter in about thirty minutes."

"Yea, okay." Alex rolled her eyes, ending the call. 

Sitting the phone down, she walked into Joy's bedroom. "Joy, your mom will be here soon to pick you up and take you to camp."

Joy sucked her teeth, "Why can't you or daddy take me?Does she have to take me?" Joy questioned. 

"How many times do we have to go through this?" Alex asked. 

"I'm just asking." Joy shrugged. 

Your father and I have to go to work. Do you have a ride home?" She asked.

"Yes, Jayla is going to bring me home."

"Why didn't you have her pick you up?"

"Because she's probably gonna be late for practice."

"Well, when practice ends, come home." Alex said in a stern tone. "Look at me," she wanted Joy's undivided attention. "Come straight home. Don't go to nobody's house, or don't let Jayla talk you into going somewhere with her. When you leave practice, bring your butt straight to the house. Understand?"

"Why are you talking to me like I don't speak english and hard of hearing?" Joy asked.

"Because, ever since you were thirteen years old, you've been acting like it. Do I need to break it down for you in another language?" ALex asked, sarcastically.

"Yes, say it in spanish." Joy smirked.

"Lil girl, don't play." Joy laughed.

"Okay, okay." I'll be home immediately after practice."

"Don't go anywhere once you're home." Alex added.

"Okay, okay." Joy didn't want Alex to bring on a lecture for her.

Alex wanted her to come home immediately after practice because she and Drew were going to share their adoption news with her. They also wanted to know how she would feel about it.

When she left Joy's bedroom, she went back into her bedroom and Drew had just got out the shower.

"Babe, do you have to go to work so early?" Alex asked. "I don't want to be here when Trice pulls up in our driveway."

"I'm only gonna be there for a couple of hours. It's not like you have to let her in the house and have tea with her." He chuckled.

"But the woman will be on our property. If she acts a fools, just know I'm gonna act an even bigger fool with her."

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