Chapter 36

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Coming home after receiving a phone call from Joy'a school about her getting into a fight, Alex wanted to go off on the teenager. If there's one thing she and Drew would always discuss with Joy and that's, no fighting in school.

She wasn't going to say anything until Drew got home. She thought about calling LaTrice, but she knew that wasn't going to solve anything.

Joy was already at home when she got home she was in the living room, watching tv. Although the she was staying with her mom, she would still come to their house and stay for a while until her mom comes pick her up or if Drew takes her home.

Alex spoke to Joy, who spoke back in a nervous tone. She had guilt written all over her face, but Alex ignored that.

At about eight forty-five, Drew came home. He greeted his wife by kissing her cheek.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine, how are you?" She asked.

"Better, now that I'm home."

"How nice." She picked her cell phone up and gave it to him. It was already turned on. "Here, listen to the recent voicemail."

He gave her a strange look. "Okay." He stood and listened to it. Once he was fine listening, he asked, "have you talked to her yet?"

"Certainly not, that's not my child." She shook her head.

He sighed he regretted saying that to her because now he knows she's going to use that against him every chance she gets.

"Babe, can you forget that I said that? I'm really sorry about that. I don't want you to think that how I really feel, because it's not." He said sincerely.

She stared at him with silence for a moment. "Riiiight. Can we not make this about us right now? Your daughter is now in her room, knowing she's in trouble."

"Come with me." He requested.

"No sir." She shook her head again. "Don't include me. I'm about to go to bed."

He shook his head and left the bedroom and to Joy's room. "Joy?"

His daughter looked to him with fear.

"What's this about you fighting in school?" He asked.

She sighed.

"Why were you fighting in school?" He asked.

"These girls were messing with me." She answered.

"What girls?" He asked.

"Some girls in one of my classes."

"Why?" He took a seat in the chair that was at her desk.

She didn't make much eye contact with him. "Don't know. They were just talking mess and I got upset and hit one of them." She explained.

As Drew was in Joy's room talking to her, Alex was laying in the bed on her phone, scrolling through her Facebook newsfeed. She came across a video with a message that convinced her to watch the video.

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