Chapter 16: Tris Tripped over a Dead Body

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A body. There's a dead body there. Not just any body. Mr. Clay our Art teacher why is he in a cemetery dead!?!?
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I scream at the top of my lungs at the cold blue dead body.

"TRIS!" I hear Four yell and hear his footsteps. I see flashlights headed my way.
"AAAAAAAAHH!" I scream again pointing to the body. When they all come and shine flashlights on the body. Some scream and others drop there flashlights and run. The weirdest thing though is seeing Zeke jump into Shauna's arms and be held bridal style and then hear Greg scream at the top of his lungs like a little girl.

At this point everyone is screaming some running throwing there arms in the air running around the dead body (Uriah) and then I hear Will talk on the phone.

"Amar come help us! There is a DEAD body! Tris tripped over it!" Will says and I can tell Amar was laughing because Will smiles.

"Will call the police!" I scream.
"Well technically I called a retired FBI agent..." He starts.
"Ok ok ok." He says and dials a 911.

Time Lapse

Four flicks a rubber band around the room and his Zeke. Then Zeke takes the rubber band and flicks it at him again and soon the they're having a rubber band fight with only one rubber band.

I roll my eyes and wait for the chief of police to come out. We've been sitting in here for an hour while they analyze our teachers body. This stupid police station smells like lavender and it's starting to make me nauseous.

Then a rubber band hits me right between the eyes. I look over at Zeke and Four who are smirking. I'm about to flick it at Four when the chief of police and our parents walk in.

I quickly put it in my pocket and glare at Four and Zeke. Mrs Padred comes in and crosses her arms at the two boys.
They put on a guilty grin and sink in there seats. I've always admired Mrs Padred, first of all because she is the best doctor in Chicago, second of all because she raised those two idiots on her own.

My brother runs in and hugs me, what the heck. Why does he suddenly care about me. My mom comes in and that's when I realize my dad and principal Eaton aren't there, probably at an emergency meeting as always.

Instead Amar comes in and sits next to us, he wasn't allowed in the office because technically he wasn't there when the body was found.

"So what did you find officer?" Amar asks.
"Well her DNA is all over it," he says and points to me.
"No shit Sherlock she tripped over it." Lynn says.

All our eyes widen at the disrespect she just gave the chief of police. But to my surprise he rolls his eyes and moves on. I wonder how many times Lynn has gone to jail.

As I look from officer to Lynn and then to Shauna who seems completely in phased by the disrespect I realize they all look similar. Then it hits me, Shauna and Lynn's mom died of cancer when they were 12 and there dad left them when they were 8, causing them to live with their grandparents after their moms death.

Oh my gosh. There dad is the Chief of Police.

"Therefore she will have to be put on trial," he says and I snap out of my daze.
"Trial?" My brother says.
"She had no motive and no opportunity either!" Shauna shouts at him while standing up to face him.

I get a cold feeling at the bottom of my stomach, trial, for murder?
"This could just be an act of the Ying Yang serial killer." Four says in my defense. I just sit there helpless still star struck at what happened and what's going to happen.

"Ying and Yang hasn't killed since 2010." Chief Trainer says.
"But we haven't caught them yet." Four says.
"It's Chicago anyone could have killed him."
"Exactly," Four says. Four may act dumb, but honestly he's one of the smartest people I know, he'll use all the Chiefs words against him and the chief knows it.

"Out of all the people in Chicago why would Tris do it, she has an A in his class and had no motive what so ever." Four says.
"Wait how did he die?" I ask.
"Wouldn't you know." The Chief says. That sets Lynn off.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" She screams and pushes him as hard as she can which makes him fall against the desk.

"Lynn!" He yells. She goes really close to his face and starts whispering things quickly in his face. His face contorts at the insults and out of no where he slaps her.

She falls to the ground holding her cheek and let's out a scream. Shauna starts screaming at her dad, and Zeke seeing Shauna upset gets mad and starts talking to Amar loudly.

Soon the whole room erupts in screaming and shouting. Then I hear the chief scream something at Anar that puts me in full alarm.
"His screams may be behind walls but it doesn't mean other people don't hear him!" He yells in Amar's face but the only people who heard were Amar, Four and I.

Amar's face turns into blind rage which sends the hair on the back of my neck on end. He pulls back and in one motion the Chief of police is knocked out with Amar holding the collar of his shirt.

All our jaws drop and we stare at him whose in as much shock as us.
"This is when we run." He says staring at the chief. All the teenagers run out leaving the adults inside to deal with the problem.

We sprint to our sports cars and I hop in Four's black Ferrari. We sit there staring forward for a second then zoom out of the parking lot and straight home.
"Four," I say, "I think we should talk more about that kiss."
"The kiss meant nothing Tris it was stupid hormones I'm sorry you can make fun of me as much as you want!" He shouts making me jump.
"I wasn't going to..." I start.
"Just shut up!" He shouts. I sink into my chair and feel a tear roll down my cheek. Why? I don't know.

That's when I remember something very important. Tori and Amar's wedding is in a week.


This is mostly a fill in chapter so the next chapter of the wedding will have more stuff.

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