Chapter 14~ Twat

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James's POV

"Wake up!" 

Opening my eyes, I was faced with a big, fat, bruised nose. "Urgh go away Siriu- wait why is your nose bruised?" Sirius glared at me before gritting out his answer. "Abigail." I bolted straight up in my bed, just missing Sirius's injured nose. 

"What did that bloody toe rag do to you! I'll stab the daylights out of her!!! Hell, I'll turn her insides out while she's still alive!!!" "As much as I love your enthusiasm, she'll be in a lot more pain alive," Sirius snickered before wincing as the movement pulled at his nose. I reluctantly laid down on my bed only to notice Remus glaring at Sirius.

"What's up with Remus? It looks like you killed his owl or something." "He's not following the plan," Sirius replied glaring back at Remus. Urgh, that bloody twat. "Remus, you agreed," I half whined, annoyed that two of my best friends were fighting at this time. "James, honestly I think we really should lay off Abigail a bit, haven't you seen her recently?" "Yeah I have. In my dreams. The really good ones were we hide her body so well that no one ever finds it," Sirius interjected snidely. 

"Shut up Sirius," Remus snapped, raising his fist ever so slightly in Sirius's direction. 

"Oi, don't tell me to shut up you twat!"

"Hey, hey guys, both of you shut up!" I interjected quickly hoping to prevent a fight happening, "Let's all just calm down and talk about this reasonably like mature wizards." At that Remus snorted. "Mature? Mature! Mature is everything you're not!" I felt my face grow slightly red while my temper slowly slipped out of my grasp. 

"Shut up!" I shot back at Remus, trying to keep calm. Remus just snorted and rolled his eyes, muttering "whatever" as he stormed out of the dorm. "Come on Sirius, let's go see what's wrong with him."

Abigail's POV

Hiding in the library, I flipped through a book on unicorns, not really paying attention to the book. Peering over the edge of the book, i saw Remus approaching me with a frown on his face. Joy. I slowly lowered the book and watched as he plopped down beside me, ignoring the snickers coming from the people who could see us.

"Hey," he mumbled. I turned to face him, my mouth dropping open. He was actually being serious about hanging out with me even though he's friends with Sirius. Alarms started to ring inside my head but I pushed them away because after all I have nothing left to lose.Who knows maybe Remus is genuinely interested in being my friend. I then realised I'd been staring at him like an idiot while he waited for my reply. Hastily I shut my mouth.

"Erm hey Remus... How's things?" 

"Same old, same old. Listen, I kind of want to apologise for Sirius's behaviour. I know it's unacceptable and I'm sorry I didn't stand up to him earlier," he apologised profusely. 

"S'all right," I replied, smiling at him. 

"Soooooooo, how can I make it up to you," he asked, grinning at me. 

"Well you can punch Sirius in the face or punch James in the face." As Remus burst out in laughter, James and Sirius approached us, their expressions furious. Oh no.


Yes it is very short :c sorry but i will upload at least once every two weeks. it is my new resolution. now my patient readers if you would be so kind to check out my new story maybe? Please? :3 love you guys xx

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