Chapter 28~ Blast from the past

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Abigail's POV

I was floating. I couldn't open my eyes but I knew I was somewhere peaceful. Slowly my sight returned to me and I realised I was in the cave, the secret cave under the whomping willow. I looked to the side, noticing my hair floating on top of the crystal clear lagoon, more plimpies swimming through the strands of my hair. 

The cave soon filled with the sound of the water flowing down my body, hitting the moss with a wet slap as I climbed out of the lagoon. The feeling of the a dry marble floor beneath my feet caused me to look down in surprise. I was still standing on the supposedly slippery moss but the texture beneath my feet did not match the moss.

"What the," I mumbled when a small ball of light appeared. Hesitantly, I walked towards it, watching it as it slowly grew bigger, its pure rays lighting up the whole cave in a blinding flash of white. The next thing I knew I was standing in the hospital wing, looking at Sirius's deathly pale face and fighting back sobs.

'Si-sirius," I asked tentatively, noticing that there was a glow filtering in from beneath the pristine sheets of the hospital wing. Gently, I moved closer to him, watching his face as I lifted the blanket off him carefully.

As soon as it was off him, I was instantly bathed in the golden glow which was Sirius's heart. I could see his heart through his skin, a pear shaped golden orb, with a thick murky black web spread through it, thumping gently against his chest faintly.

Right before my eyes the golden rays of his heart slowly banished the black, the darkness struggling for a few seconds before going out like a candle in a hurricane. With every strand that disappeared, strangest sensation ran through me.

At first it started as a mild itch through my body as the few lines on the outside struggled before disappearing but the closer the lines were to the center of his heart, the more painful the sensation grew. Soon I was on floor gasping and clutching at my chest as it felt like I was slowly being torn to pieces like a ragdoll slowly being pulled apart, strand by strand.

Somehow I managed to crawl over to Sirius, realisation dawning upon me as I realised what was happening. Slowly I touched the skin over his heart, immediately pulling away when the thin, meagre line suddenly exploded in a cloud of black which immediately stopped the pain. 

"Wha-," I whispered, slowly touching his heart, once more quickly pulling away. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, like most days, only far more intense as I willed for any sign that Sirius was still there.

When nothing happened, I carefully laid on the bed and scooted over closer until there was a hairs breadth between us. I laid there next to him, pretending that everything was ok and that Sirius wasn't lying next to me dying. 

"Please be ok...I-I don't know what to do withou-without you Sirius."

A tear made its way down my face, soon joined with another flood.

I am the darkness in his heart, the dark web slowly being erased by him, a grindylow in an otherwise peaceful lake, the evil to his good. As soon as my brain registered the facts, I felt absolutely nothing.....I was nothing.

"You're wrong."

Screaming, I whipped my head around in shock when something cold touched my shoulder. I was met with two blue eyes and without thinking I ran into her open arms and wrapped my legs around her waist.

She just smiled and wiped away my tears before patiently waiting for me to get off her before she spoke. 

"Merlin Abby, you've got to stop nearly dying, it's giving me grey hairs," she scolded, causing a smile to spread across my face before it dropped when I saw Sirius stir in the corner of my eye. Kelly must have noticed the change in my facial because she bit her lip before walking over to him, motioning for me to follow her. 

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