Chapter 5~Evil Sirius

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---One of my favourite songs :D to the right------

Abigail's POV 

“Well look what we have here. Looks like someone dragged in the cat. Or Gryffindor,” sneered Severus Snape.

 I stared incredously as he started to snigger at his own joke, his lame groupies laughing after him or as I would like to think, at him. I felt Vivienne stiffen next to me as she nudged my arm, as she whispered “Harry.” in my ear.

 I turned around to see Sirius with a cold expression on his face as well as an inky cloud floating around him and Harry. I turned back around just in time to see Vivienne mouth the word ‘hot’ and fan herself.

 I rolled my eyes. Even in times like this, Vivienne still managed to check out guys. I was brought back from my musings by a warm arm wrapping tightly and protectively around my waist, carefully avoiding the blade still sticking in me. 

Looking behind me, my face started to heat up as I realized it was Sirius holding on to me. His forlorn grey eyes were hard as he glared at the slytherins, his mouth was set in a straight line and his eyebrows were a dark V.

“Go away Regulus,” Sirius snarled, shoving me behind him, as he took a step forwards. I heard a snort of laughter and a familiar voice drawled across the room.

My eyes widened as I craned my neck, trying to place the source of the voice. Finally I saw who had the same voice as Sirius Black.

There was a slightly chubbier and shorter version of Sirius. The same black hair, grey eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows.

However there were differences. His grey eyes were harder and sinister unlike Sirius’s, his nose was thinner and his face had the appearance of a marshmallow.

If he lost all his baby fat, he would look just like a slightly evil version of Sirius.

“Oooooh Sirius I’m so scared,” Regulus said in a high pitched voice, while rolling his eyes, causing the rest of the slimy gits to snicker along with him.

I could sense Sirius’s rage at Regulus’s snide comment. He stepped forward again, growling menacingly before jumping on Regulus, causing all hell to break loose.

I was frozen in place, watching. Whoa. Where had that come from? Sirius had sounded so animal like. Like a feral dog. Much like that-

“RUN ABIGAIL, RUN!” Sirius howled at me, his mop of hair flipping into Regulus’s eyes, which drew a pained groan from Regulus.

I needed no further motivation.

Breaking into a sprint, I looked back and saw Harry pushing Vivienne in my direction, his brown curls flopping above his blue eyes before he jumped into the fight.

I wasn’t sure if he was helping Sirius or beating Sirius up. Meh. Either way I best get moving.

I heard Vivienne pounding next to me as we made a mad dash for the hospital wing, ignoring the pondering stares of the ghosts.

Thinking back to it, I’m pretty sure Nearly Headless Nick was quite baffled by two girls running through the corridors of Hogwarts during class time.

Not to mention, one girl had a knife sticking out of her.


We eventually made it to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey looked up from where she was tending to a first year. She clucked in disapproval before motioning for me to have a seat.

Moments later, after she had administered a potion to the first year, she came over towards me.

“What happened this time Ms. Elston?”

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