Chapter 17~ Love

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Sirius's POV

Turns out that being polite to Abigail was not going to be easy. As soon as I returned to the cauldron, determined to be on my best behaviour, I accidentally (ok maybe purposely) bumped into Abigail, causing the armful of budale wings to spill out on the floor in a slimy mess and sending Abigail into the midst of the shiny blue wings. Harry glared at me over the cauldron and I shot him an innocent look before peeling Abigail off the floor. 

"Sorry," I mumbled gingerly, my heart doing flips at the feel of Abigail's skin against mine. She smiled back at me, a little specks of green flickering in her blue eyes. I gulped nervously, snatching my hand back like Abigail's skin was fire. "Can you pass me the jar of plimpy eyes," I asked Abigail, avoiding  eye contact with her. 

Slicing a budale wing, I looked over at a chortling Harry and a blushing Vivienne, feeling an emotion similar to jealously bubbling inside the pit of my stomach. I licked my lips nervously, before sneaking a peak at Abigail. Her brown naturally wavy hair was tied in a long high ponytail, a few loose strands framing her dainty face while her straight eyebrows were pulled together in concentration, causing a few wrinkles to appear on her nose. 

At that exact moment, Abigail reached across the table, her arm bushing slightly against my own. My breath hitched and I cleared my throat before returning to my previous task, trying to ignore Abigail's heavy gaze boring into my back. "Gimme the dinkleberries, will ya," Harry asked, studiously pouring some crushed dragon dung into the murky green potion while reading the text book again. 

Handing Harry a handful of dinkleberries, I checked to see if Sluggy was looking before pelting a berry at James head. He turned away from his cauldron and mouthed 'what' at me. I motioned towards the unoccupied booth at the back of the room, signalling for him to meet me there and to bring Remus and Peter.

A few minutes later, we had all gathered behind the dusty cauldron. "What's up Sirius," James asked curiously, his eyes boring into mine. 

"I-I think I'm in trouble James," I replied, biting my lip. His eyebrows knotted together.

"How much trouble are you in," he asked, completely serious.

"I'm in a crap load of trouble."

"What kind of trouble," Remus questioned.

"I think I migh-"

"Class is over," Slughorn announced. 

"I'll talk to you later," I replied.


James's POV

Searching through my trunk, I let out a groan of frustration before throwing my boxers onto the ground. Reaching the bottom of my trunk, I let out a scream. 

"What are you looking for?" Peter questioned, joining me on the floor. 

"Isabel's ribbon," I managed to spit out as my stomach turned like a washing machine. My hands were shaking like crazy as I scrambled through the rest of my clothes, looking for my sister's beloved ribbon. 

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air in frustration. 

"You guys coming," Remus called from the common room.


I made my way down to dinner, promising that I would search for Isabel's ribbon later. 

"What's the matter?" I asked Sirius as I sat next to him before loading my plate up with food. Peter leaned in closer and Remus shuffled down the bench away from Vanessa to hear what Sirius had to say.

"Um I think we should abort the mission," he mumbled quietly, lowering his head. Shock coursed through my body and I choked on a jacket potato.


"I dunno," Sirius trailed off, refusing to meet my eyes. 


"Just because she's related to Christopher doesn't mean she's anything like him," Remus interjected. I glared at him.

"Stay out of this Remus you traitor."

"No James, Remus has a point. I actually don't think that Abigail's anything like him. I feel so bad about the way we've treated her, the guilt is like eating me up," Sirius pointed out. I bit my lip torn between wanting to kill Abigail or making Sirius happy. 

"But she called Lily a mudblood!" 

About that... Um she didn't do that. I sorta made that up," he said sheepishly. My mouth fell open in shock and I slapped him hard.


"There's a thin line between love and hate," Sirius whispered. That stopped me in the middle of my rant. I narrowed my eyes as I connected the dots. 

"YOU LOVE ABIGAIL DON'T YOU!" I shouted, shocking a group of nearby Gryffindors. 

"N-yes-what?!" Sirius spluttered, his face instantly turning a flaming red. I gasped and poked his chest with my finger. 

"That's why you're always an ass to her! YOU LOVE HER!" Remus gasped in realisation. 

Sirius slapped his hand over Remus's mouth.

"Guys shut up!" he hissed, obviously mortified. I squealed girlishly, happy that my best friend had found someone to love. Someone I'd treated like garbage. 

I grabbed Sirius and hauled him off the bench. "BETTER START WORKING ON THAT APOLOGY," I shouted before hauling him up to our dorm.


Ooft, the secret's out! Please comment and vote, I love you all :* Feel free to leave any suggestions c: So excited for the next chappie argh :D My feels <3 

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