Chapter 10~ That's so dog

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The most I've come up with. 

"So fat!" 

"Grow up Black!"

"Only if you lose weight so I have some space!" 

I let out a growl of frustration before trying to punch Sirius in the face. He just smirked and stepped out of my reach as I hopelessly tried to murder him with my nails. I gave up eventually and slumped back onto the hospital bed. 

"Give up Elston?" 

"Never," I yelled before trying once more to seriously maim him. All he did was stand there with a snotty look on his face. F**k you Sirius. The curtain was suddenly drawn back with a whoosh as Lily, Vanessa, Jiamin and Vivienne appeared. 

"CONGRATULATIONS BABE! YOU'RE FINALLY OUT OF THI- Oh. Black. What are you doing here," Jiamin questioned suspiciously as she jabbed him in the chest. He put his hands up in the air as a sign of surrender. 

"Erm, I was just uh... Er. I was...Um...Errrr..." He trailed off. 

"He was just leaving!" James appeared looking rather pissed. He looked at me with disgust clear in his eyes. Involuntarily I shivered. 

"Er yeah! I was just leaving! Hahaha!" Sirius blurted out before laughing nervously. 

"No dumbass, I asked what you were doing here? As in why you were here in the first place?" 

Ah. The million dollar question. Hehehe. Sirius's eyes bugged out as he stared at me. He opened his mouth and closed it again. James narrowed his eyes at Sirius and nudged him with a little bit more force than necessary. 

"Oh! Uh I was just dropping by to tell Elston here to uhm I was just giving her the homework. The partner work in Charms! I was dropping it off! Nothing more!" With that said, Sirius reached into his bag and retrieved a pile of crumpled papers before throwing it on my bed and footing it out of the Hospital Wing. James gave me one more threatening glare before following Sirius. 

Lily blinked before quickly snatching the papers off the bed before I could grab them and snickered. Vanessa peeked over her shoulder and covered her mouth as she snorted. 

Curiosity struck me and I attempted to X-ray the paper. "What does it say?" Vivienne and Jiamin burst into laughter when they saw the papers. 

"Guys, really. What's on it?" 

By this time, Vivienne was rolling on the floor, gasping for breath between bouts of laughter. The others were not far from reaching Vivienne's state. 

"He-He-here!" Lily spluttered, crawling towards me and passing the papers over. Un-crumpling the papers, a horribly drawn dog appeared on the paper. At least I think it was a dog. The paper was smeared with what appeared to be black ink, forming a dog.  

I looked through the other papers to find a stag, chihuahua or rat and a weird man with ears and a tail. All of the creatures were drawn/smeared with the same black ink. 

"Charms work. Definitely." 

James POV

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING FRATERNISING WITH THE ENEMY?!" I screamed at Sirius while smacking a book down on the table to emphasise my point. I was mad. Fuming mad. He was putting the plan in danger! Sirius was sitting on his bed, looking down at his hands. 

"I told you, I was there to drop off her herbology homework!" He said it was too fast for me to believe him. I narrowed my eyes at him. Herbology work eh? 

"You said you were dropping off charms work... WHAT WERE YOU ACTUALLY DOING THERE SIRIUS?!"  

Sirius winced as I screamed the last part in his ear. Raising his hands in surrender he answered me.  "Fine. I just wanted to check on her. i mean don't you think we've been a bit hars-" 

oh my glob. urgh writers block. I cannot come up with anything. sorry guys :'( I need more time :'( 

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