Chapter 18~ Pixie Dust

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Hola, I hope this chapter loads properly because when I typed it up and saved it, it went all wonky :( Any ways lot's of love :* The song to the right was suggested by the lovely simplesimmer :D On with the chapter


Abigail's POV


I looked up to see Remus hovering over me, the early morning light shining around Remus like a halo. I groaned as I peeled myself off the couch, my bones crackling as I stretched. 

"What?" I asked him, stifling a yawn before sitting my stiff body back on the couch. Remus just grinned stupidly at me, his brown hair flopping over his eyes.

I threw a pillow at him, annoyed that he had woken me up for no apparent reason. He ducked just in time, avoiding the red and gold pillow.

 "Get up," he sung, dancing around me while teasingly pulling at strands of my hair.  I slapped his hands away from my hair and shot him a withering look before deciding to ignore him. Maybe if I pretend I can't hear him, he'll disappear. 

 No such luck. 

 "Abigail!" Remus sang gleefully, hopping on the spot like a hyperactive owl. 

 "You look like you're about to piss your pants," I remarked snidely before retrieving the pillow I had thrown at him. He pretended not to hear me as he continued dancing on the spot. I squinted my eyes at him wondering what godforsaken substance had made him so hyper. 

 "Remus, are you high on pixie dust?" I asked suspiciously, poking him like he was an animal I was about to dissect. 

 "Not a chance," he giggled out, still jiggling on the spot, "rise and shine! Today is going to be a bloody brilliant day! Blimey, you really aren't a morning person."

 I glared at him but allowed him to drag me off the couch and up to the staircase of the girls dorm. Remus then did something so totally un-remus like. Well more un-remus like then he was already acting. 

 He jumped on my back and dug his foot into my sides screaming forward like I was a horse or something. I just stood there in shock, half bent over because Remus was quite heavy. 

 "What?!" I managed to splutter out, my face going a little red as Remus leaned closer towards my head, putting more weight on me. 

 "Forward!" He yelled nudging his feet into my sides again. 

"Get off me you fat sack of potatoes!" 


Sighing, I grudgingly followed Remus's orders. Each step was agony because the plump hippogriff known as Remus was still perched on my shoulders. I managed to make it half way up the staircase before Remus spoke.

 "Merlins beard, you're strong Abs. Can I call you Abs because from what I can see you've probably got abs," Remus babbled stupidly from my back. 

 "Remus, you are so obviously high on pixie dust!"

Instead of remus denying the obvious fact, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small baggee.

"Yup, you want some," Remus asked, holding up a bag which contained light blue sparkling dust. Only then, when his breath whooshed past my face, did I realise that he was intoxicated. 

"HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING, REMUS?" I shrieked. What on earth had possessed Remus to drink! He was the sensible one out of the whatever-the-flop-they-call-themselves. I would have expected this behaviour from James and Sirius, but never Remus. 

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