A True Heart's Desire

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When your parents decide to choose the person you will spend the rest of your life with, it doesn't always go well. Especially if he is the human form of headaches... Well, that's what she believes so, anyways. However, to other girls, he is a well sculptured and one of a kind human being. With one click of his fingers, he has the entire female species to his feet. 

 Hussain Asif. 22 years young billionaire with the most beautiful hazel eyes; with one look at them and you'd faint. It was almost a sin to look up to his admirable eyes. Any girl would kill to be in her place. But not her. She was different. Very different. Maybe a little too different? Girls kissed the ground he walked on. But not her. 

Afira Abdullah. Your typical girl, well educated and straight-forward. You wouldn't expect anything from her, but if you go a little too close to her you might just awaken the sleeping lion that's buried deep inside of her. By fate, when she bumps into Hussain Asif what would happen? Would fate being them closer than ever? Or will hatred push them further away from each other? 

If you believe this sounds like your type of story then please carry on reading. :)

P.s Not only for Muslims and Hindi speakers!!!!


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