Chapter 44

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AsalamWalyKum guys! How are you all? Little- I mean very late on the update, but I can promise you that this chapter is very long! Also, I've added some Hafira scenes, I'm telling yo right now I am horrible about very close (as in when characters get really close and then they get nervous)  and very mushy scenes, I get very hyper or get grossed out. Even if the character are close I start getting really close I practically loose it... So... Forgive me if the scene is... Weird? 

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure you guys must've noticed my new cover, yes, a new character will be entering my story, but, she will have a very short role, or that's what I think. Id you haven't seen the cover it will be attached at the top!

In addition, above... Is a trailer of my book: A True Heart's Desire! Made especially by me! How amazing is that?! Hopefully you'll like it... It took me very long... Months and months... So tell me what you think about it. 

Also, I'm still doing my exams, I want to cry so much, it's so stressful! One more exam. Physics. Which I hate. Which is next Wednesday. Great. So please, please, please, pray for me. In this time in my life all your prayers really mean a lot to me, thank you.  

Furthermore, I'm going to the forest for my bronze Duke of Edinburgh award... If someone of you do this you'll know what I need to do... I not it's basically me camping in the forest, trying to find a way of the there, making up my route and surviving with my team. If we do anything wrong then we all fail! I'm only taking this challenge because they said it'll look great on my C.V. Oh, what I do for my future.   -_- 

So, tell me what you think of my new cover, and the story! 

Please comment, vote and share! Thank you!!! Love you all!!!

Dedicated to RidaAsif - Thank you for this beautiful cover, InshAllah you'll pass all your exams!


Afira's P.O.V

I put my right foot in first then my left, saying 'Bismillah,' as I entered my new house.

I put my right foot in first then my left, saying 'Bismillah,' as I entered my new house

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Zara and Ammi took me in and sat me down on the maroon coloured sofa. "Welcome Bhabi," Zara warmly welcomed me, I gave her genuine smile. Everyone talked amongst themselves, we played games and did some rituals, which was fun, but tiring, sitting up straight all the time. Ammi had introduced me to Hussain's cousin, who were two-years younger than me and all of them are sisters: Khushi, her name describes her perfectly, always has a smile on her face, Sanam, a beautiful loving girl and Sapna, the most romantic out of three of them. Immediately we became really good friends.

Zara took my hand, "Bhabi, your henna is so dark, that must mean Bhai will love you a lot," Zara said, amusing others. "Bhai, have you found the letter of your name yet?" Zara asked Hussain, he shook his head.

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