Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Another chapter!

All the girls' outfits altogether at the top. Hope you like it.

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Dedicated to Anusree65


"In Any Given Moments We Have Two options: To Step Forward Into Growth Or To Step Back Into Safety."

Afira's P.O.V

 We were running faster than Usain Bolt. At this moment I could no longer hear my heart beating, which made me question if it was even there? To make things even more frustrating, the pops ups would bounce onto our face at annoying moments.  

"Hussain, do you think the others a-are alright?" I asked, struggling to speak and run at the same time.

"Yes. I'm sure the others are fine. But what's really important is that we quickly find a room to hide in." 

We came across a room with a bed and a dressing table. Nothing else. Great.

"Afira hide under the bed." He didn't need to tell me twice, I practically ran under the bed. Hussain searched for a place to hide but then decided to hide behind the bed. 

Suddenly we heard footsteps. "Come out come out wherever you are. Oh, come on. We already killed all the staffs. Even the stupid clown. And that boy, he thought he was smart. So you're no longer safe. And remember, you can hide but you can't run." It was Joe. Fûcking twat. He thinks killing people is just a stupid game. Hussain and I thought the coast was clear, we got up then we both immediately saw Joe was near the dressing table checking behind it to see if we were hiding there. We quickly went back to hiding, slowly the footsteps got closer to the bed. I slapped my mouth and held onto it tight as my eyes began to water automatically. Unintentionally, Joe was treading on my finger. I wanted to bounce up and beat him black and blue. But I had to remain quiet or else we'll be caught. A minute later Joe left. Thank Allah. I immediately leapt up and blew on my purple fingers.

"Flipping bastard. Asshole. Loser. He stepped on my fingers." Hussain looked at me with a shocked expression but didn't dare to say anything. "He's wearing boots too." Hussain walked towards me, took my hands and started blowing on it too. I was a bit confused, and I think he was too. It was a little unexpected. 

"I'm good now. Let's go find the others and get out of here." I snatched my hand out of his grip and lowered my gaze. Hussain agreed and led the way. 

 We roamed around the place to find the others. Just then we heard a gunshot and a girl screaming. My eyes expanded and I stood there still as a statue. I was petrified to move a muscle. People were dying. Blood was just naturally poring out. We're going to die. That's all that was coming to my mind. all around. We're going to die. Hussain grabbed my hand and we ran into the nearest room. The room had more furniture than the last room we were in. I took a look around trying to find a place to hide and I was in for a shock. A young boy in his teens was lying on the chair with his neck slit. I covered my eyes and prayed for Allah to help us and for the innocent boy. Hussain hadn't seen the boy yet because he was facing the other direction.

A True Heart's Desire (#MissionDesi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang