Chapter 16

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Dedicated to Shabistaah - Thank you for inspiring me to write a story as beautiful as yours. :)


"You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not." -Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper

Afira's P.O.V

 "Finally home... Well a home..." Sana said quietly.

"Sana do you want to take shower first or me?" I asked Sana who was staring at a photo of Hussain's family.

"I want to go first... That's if you don't mind." Sana pleaded, I nodded. 

There was a knock on the door, "it's me, Zara." I got up from the comfy bed and opened the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I bought night wears for both of you," she handed us our clothes, "I'm so glad you were all safe." 

"Same, and come in, don't stand there, come, sit." I hesitantly pulled Zara in. 

"Thank you. I haven't had a proper conversation with you, but may I add that you look just as beautiful as you did when you were younger." I blushed at her kind comment and embraced her into a teddy bear hug. 

"Right, we have so much catching up to do, but where's your daughter Hafsa?" I asked her, just then I heard a cry... Which definitely sounded like Hafsa. 

Zara chuckled, "this little girl definitely knows how to drive her mama insane. It's nearly mid-night and yet she still doesn't want to go to sleep."

"You know what? After I'm done having a shower I'll take Hafsa and she can spend some time with me, I'll also put her to sleep."

"There's no need for that Afira, you've been through so much, right now all you need is a nice long sleep, with a sweet dream."

"No, no, please let me. It'll make feel a lot better to have an angel next to me whilst sleeping," I pleaded.

"If you insist, I'll just go and get her ready for bed then," Zara nodded and left.

  Sana came back out of the shower after fifteen minutes, wearing a long black lace night dress. I blew a wolf whistle which she rolled her eyes to. I went into the bathroom to take my delightful shower. Even the interior of a bathroom was mind blowing. A glass shower box in the corner, a circle hot tub and beautiful classy marble tiles everywhere. My dream house. I got into the shower and let the boiling hot water comfort me.

  I soon got out of the shower wearing a long silky purple night dress and dried my wet hair with the towel. "Ready to go to bed Sanu?" I asked Sana. She shrugged. I turned off the light and tucked myself into bed. 

"This night has been so... Tragic..." Sana spoke up.

"Yes, it has... And we stuck together no matter what happened." I smiled remembering all of us standing by for one and other in the haunted house.

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