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It's an extremely intense feeling. People will do anything for love. For the feeling.

Love incorperates all of the feeling, combined. Happiness, anger, loneliness, sadness...it's all in the love package. But, if you play your cards right, (and few of us do right away), you can find someone who loves all of you. All the emotions, all the flaws, all of everything. When you find that person, there are two ways it can go. You have that person, and you love them for the rest of your life, and everyone lives happily ever after. Or, the more likely chance, something happens. Either they move away, they aren't who they say they were, or something else unfortunate.

I've been in love. I am in love. And trust me, it's amazing. We've had our ups and downs, but through everything we stay together. That might not happen to everyone, which sucks.

If you've ever heard the expression, "love is like a drug" it is. You feel high -happy, silly, just good when you're around that person- and when you aren't, or when you loose them, you feel like you've crashed -depressed, lonely, sad-. And no matter what, as soon as you get a taste, you always want more. It's addicting. You cannot possibly get enough.

So, Cupcake, fall in love. But be careful. God knows it what everyone else does.


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