YOLO, I'm serious.

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You only live once.

A friend of mine got in a car accident today. He died.

He was sweet, smart, and a BEAUTIFUL singer. But that isn't important.

My point, is that he was an amazing person to EVERYONE he met. He touched so many lives, and loved so many people. Football, drama club, band, chorus, anything.

Be that way to the people around you. You only live once. Then it's gone forever. How do you want to be remembered?

This wasn't so you could apologize to me, this wasn't just me begging for attention. This is me, trying to tell you that YOU AFFECT LIVES. That little kid on your bus? They look up to you because you always look nice. That girl in your science class? She always wondered how you could ace tests without even trying. And don't even get me started on your best friend, who couldn't live without you.

You only live once. Embrace it while you can. Because it can be gone in an instant.

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