Trial and Error

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any person we date is a trial to decipher if we'll spend the rest of our life with them.

Trial and Error.

Trial and Error.

Trial and Error.

Sometimes, you do fall in love with that person. And if you're lucky, they fall in love with you.

The fall is bliss. In the fall, nothing can hurt you. You're flying. For a brief moment, you're flying.

What hurts is the landing.

Trial and Error.

Trial and Error.

Trial and Error.

Some people are too busy.

Some are too trusting of what others say.

Some just aren't in love anymore.

But it's always an error.

We aren't guaranteed a love. We aren't guarenteed anything, really. We aren't guaranteed a success.

And sometimes, you really think that this trial, this special connection is actually maybe, finally gonna work. Finally, a sucsess.

But you land. On the sidewalk. Flat on your face.

So quick, too quick, to say I love you.

Not really knowing what that entails. I love you means you want to be with them through anything. Everything. That you'll make time for them. Through everything. Despite anything.

I think I've only really loved once.

I may only ever love once.

That's a scary thought.

Seeing as how I can't go back, can't talk to you about it, can do anything because of how unbelievably smitten you are with this person...whatever.

Trial and Error.

Trial and Error.

Trial and Error.

It's 1:55 am and I don't think I'm sleeping any time soon




I'm done trying.

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