Day Three: Have To vs. Get To

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For my global teacher's 30 Day Challenge, she decided to replace every phrase saying "I have to do ..." with "I get to do ..."

Which seems easy, but actually, it's really not.

In the midst of all the stress, in the grand scheme that is everything I do, it feels more like I have to do it, instead of getting to do it.

Sometimes, I feel more like a robot than a person. I do all these things, commit my time to a little bit of everything because it sounds fun, then somehow when I'm doing them, whether it be practice or a meeting or something extra, I feel like I have to attend, not that I want to attend.

For example, I joined drama club because I thought it would be fun, and I thought preforming and acting would help me find my place. But tonight, staying until 9 after 7 hours of school, I just wasn't having it. I somehow sucked all the fun out of it, just because I was stressed about how late we were staying.

I just need to slow down. I need to slow down and appreciate what I'm committing myself to. I didn't sign up because I had to, I signed up because I wanted to. There is no one who forced me to do this. I owe it to myself, and only myself, to have fun and give it all I can.

I get to be a part of an amazing cast.

I get to learn from really talented people.

I get to develop my creativity.

I get to laugh for hours on end.

I get to help put this together.

And I get to give it all I can.


Kai Where stories live. Discover now