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It's a question everyone asks all the time.

Why couldn't I have been better?

Better in comparison to what? Someone's always going to better than you at something. That's why we want to compete...because we want to be better...

Why did I do that?

You make mistakes so you can get better. You did that so you'll never do it again.


Why didn't I do what I'm supposed to and just keep my fucking mouth shut.

Why can't I do anything right.

Why can't I keep friends?

Why can't I look good?

Why can't I be smarter?

Why can't I get along with my parents better?

Why did I say that?

It's my fault. If I didn't just keep my mouth shut...

I've only learned so much in this life. I've only gotten so much wisdom. I wish I was wise enough to just stop. Stop...just stop...

Authors Note: I won't be updating every day, maybe once a week... I don't know...just depends really...

Kai Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя