Day Eight Part Two: Tag Again

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1. Name: Kai
2. Height: 5 3"
3. Age: 14
4. Sports: Softball
5. Favorite Color: Green, Orange, and Purple
6. Hair Color: Redish
7. Eye Color: very blue
8. Best Friend: Megan
9. Grade: 9th
10. Pattern: what?
11. Current Mood: okay i guess
12. Self Harmed: yeah, im about a month clean as of now though
13. Favorite Subject: english
14. Am I Depressed: every day bro
15. Been Depressed: what does this even mean? "been depressed.." does that mean i can lose my depression? like some sort of depression hide and seek? ill count first.
16. Someone I Can Trust: Megan
17. Favorite Candy: Sour Patch Kids
18. Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese
19. FavoriteYouTubers: shane dawson, CrankThatFrank, cavetown, mannymua, jacksepticeye, markiplier, logan paul (dont you dare drag me), superwoman, elijah and christine, dodie, colleen ballinger, miranda sings, mileschronicles, macdoesit, jacksfilms, TheOddOnesOut, Domics, and Chase Ross. Basically I live on YouTube
20. Favorite Celebrities: ^^
21. Like School?: yeah i guess. it's stressful but my teachers are pretty okay, the kids are decent, and im involved in a lot.
22. Worst Day Ever: i can't think of one in particular, but i think last school year was the worst time of my life.
23. Dream Job: child psychologist or some sort of music therapist that helps people with mental illnesses
24. Best Day Ever: when i saw twenty  one pilots in albany
25. Taken?: nope.
26. Dream Day: some sort of grand convention that's kinda like vidcon where i can meet all of my favorite youtubers, but i can also meet all of my favorite singers and artists, for free.
27. Dream Date: i answered this in the last tag, so instead im gonna say what my favorite date was. it was with sammi, my friend riley, and my friend megan, but me and sammi were on a date. we went to see a movie, (i forgot which one) and walked the mall, but my favorite part that i remember was going out to the parking lot, holding her hand and wrapping my arm around her and singing Trees by tøp..i don't have feelings for her any more but that night just really stuck out for me.
28. Disorders: my family doesn't believe in mental illnesses, but for the last three-ish years i have been experiencing what would be diagnosed as depression, generalized anxiety disorder for almost sure, and during the summer and beginning of fall i had been experiencing and battling anorexia nervosa.
29. First Kiss: my first real kiss was with percy in his bed, all i remember is we were watching brain games. actually, i remember a lot about that night now...god i was young, and god i don't think the kissing was that good on my end. i got better though.
30. favorite animal: penguin
31. pet names: baby, babe, babygirl, (even if my pronouns are they/them i still fucking love being called babygirl) love, handsome/beautiful, pretty much anything really.
32. ever volunteered?: heck yeah, all the time!
33. Favorite OTP?: i don't really have one anymore, but i think Percabeth will always hold a place in my heart
34. Favorite Book?: elenor and park by rainbow rowell, orbiting jupiter by gary d schmidt, the fault in our stars by john green, the percy jackson series, how they met and other stories by david levithan
35. favorite author: david levithan for sure, i met him last year with my friend riley
36. Favorite Movie: answered this in my last tag
37. Favorite Actor: finn wolfhard
38. Favorite Video Game: im not really into video games but i hecking love God of War
39. Favorite Social Media: Twitter
40. Are You Bored?: yes and no. these are fun but i want to watch netflix
41. Are You Tired: Physically, I'm exhausted. I worked out today for the first time in a while and my body just isn't having it but...I'm not sleepy.
42. Are You From The South?: nope
43. Are You From The North?: well duh
44. Parents Divorced?: no but i found out my dad almost got married to someone else before i was born
45. Number of Siblings: two amazing sisters who i sometimes hate but mostly love
46. Favorite Super Hero: idk but wearing batman things makes me feel very masculine
47. Believe in Gay Marriage?: you mean, a basic human right? hell yes.
48. Sexual Orientation: pansexual
49. Cake or Cookie: cookie
50. Dark or White Chocolate: White
51. Tea or Coffee: Mocha Frappe
52. Bath or Shower: mostly shower unless i need to relax
53. Cold or Hot: Cold. I love it being aesthetically pleasing and dead and crunchy snow and leaves.
54. Instagram or Twitter: twitter
55. Vine or YouTube: YouTube
56. Celebrities or YouTubers: YouTubers
57. Bands or Solo Artists: both!
58. Least Favorite Subject: Math
59. Least Favorite Color: none?
60. Least Favorite Celebrity: Trump
61. Least Favorite Person: Social Repose
62. Least Favorite Store: Walmart
63. Least Favorite Flower: dandelions
64. Least Favorite Food: tomatoes
65. Least Favorite Animal: none? animals are precious?
66. Have I Ever Smoked: no
67. Done Drugs: no
68. Touched A Snake: with my bare feet. outside. in my grandma's lawn. im terrified of snakes
69. Failed A Test: oh yeah, big time.
70. Lost A Loved One?: yep.
71. Been In A Car Accident?: nope
72. Broken A Bone?: yeah, i don't know how but i broke my wrist when i was 7 or 8, and i broke my pinkie by catching a dodgeball in gym class when i was 12.
73. Stayed Up 24 Hours Or More?: yeah, over the summer I stayed up all night by myself listening to flatsound.
74. Fallen In Love?: yeah.

Kai Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora