hello, im not dead!

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im still alive, unfortunately. 

it's the summer now, just a few more weeks until my birthday, and honestly, i didn't expect to make it to this one. this year has been rough.

but what ive realized lately is that everyone has something, or someone, they've lost. some people let someone they loved go too soon. ive done that. some people push away people that are so incredibly important to them. ive done that too. some people say the wrong thing to the wrong people. i have done that too. 

the important thing is that we move on from that. you accept that what you've done is wrong, you apologize to anyone that was involved, and you give the person space. you can't expect someone to completely forgive you overnight and act like nothing happened if they're still hurting. i thought that would be how things went, i was wrong. 

another helpful piece of advice: please never fall in love with your best friend. i know sometimes you hear these beautiful stories about how you got married and you have 15 dog-children and you're the talk of the neighborhood, but honey, that almost never happens. i should know. it happened to me not once, but twice, and no matter how much we try to think that nothing happened, we both know nothing is ever going to be the same. so please, save yourself the heartbreak. save a great friendship. 

last word of wisdom i can give you at the moment: if you're gay, or bi, or trans, or ace, or whatever corner of the community you are, please know that even if your situation isn't exactly favorable right now, it will be soon. one day, not too far from now, you're going to be on your own, away from your parents. away from any negativity. you will have your own life, and if your parents don't support who you are, it's okay to not have them in your life. let's repeat that, shall we? it's okay not to have unsupportive people in your life. it doesn't matter if it's your mom, or your dad, or your siblings, or even your crusty aunt susan. it's okay to not have them in your life. 

that's all i got for today. make sure to stay hydrated, and please don't hurt yourself. 



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