Day Four: You Are Enough

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even when the same person makes you feel small every damn day, you are enough.

even when everyone you've loved and put your trust into has lied to you and hurt you, you are enough.

even when you keep telling yourself that you aren't, you are enough.

even when you have been manipulated so much that you can't tell when someone is lying straight to your face or when someone is fucking using you, you are enough.

and it makes me so damn mad that you can't see that you're enough. it makes me so damn mad that you believed it was your fault and that you had to change. it makes me so damn mad that you probably felt the same as i did, crying in your bed late at night because he was mad at you. or trying to play some sort of fucked up guessing game just trying to determine what kind of mood he's in...god it just makes me so damn mad.




it wasn't you

i know it wasn't because i went through this.

i know you say you aren't upset.

but i said i wasn't either.

please, don't worry about him. don't worry if he's gonna be okay. fuck that. this is you. this is you. this is your time.

you killed your wolf.

im so damn proud.

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