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Well I'm not really sure what I'm thinking right now I just know that I really hate everything about me and I tried to be positive but I can't handle it right now and this probably seems jumbled up but so Is my head and my mind I need someone to listen to me but I don't want to bring anyone down I'm really sorry for bothering anyone who tries to help it's just a waste of time I'm really sorry.

Maybe tomorrow it'll be easier for me to smile and for me to be a positive face oh but wait I'm just an ugly face with a brain that everyone takes advantage of and you know what I'm just really finished but I'll keep persisting because I can't and won't hurt anyone I love. Even of they don't love me or even if I'm just a waste of their space.

I'm really sorry for all of this I'm having a really bad night and I needed to get this off my chest. Night.


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