Day Eleven: I Miss You.

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I miss taking pictures in your backyard.

I miss filming YouTube videos in your room.

I miss swimming in your pool and badly rapping.

I miss snap chatting you and FaceTiming you for hours on end.

I even miss the drama, somehow. hating you, but loving you.

I miss finally being friends again.

I miss taking walks with you.

I miss going to the playground with you.

I miss ranting and talking for hours late in the night.

I miss being more than your friend.

I miss your mom.

I miss being yours.

I miss loving you.

I miss crushing on you.

I miss trying to look so good, just for you to come over.

I miss us texting, even if it was mostly me texting you.

I miss thinking maybe I had a chance.

I miss holding your hand.

I miss how you treated me like I was royalty.

I miss, seriously, how well you treated me.


I'm pretty sure you were the most kind person I've ever dated.

I wish everyone could be like you.

Everyone I've loved, I miss. I miss them all in different ways. But I miss them all. Maybe I just miss feeling loved. Feeling wanted. Feeling important.

But I still miss you.
All of you.

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