Tag Again....Again.

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What Gender Are You?

I have no idea. Nonbinary?? I guess?? Transmasculine??? Your guess is as good as mine.


If you're human and breathing there's a good chance I want to get in your pants. (I'm not a slut though. I'm just saying for the quest-...I hate myself.)

Do You Want A Hug?

Heck yeah man. I love attention.

Any Bad Habits?

catching feelings.

Favorite Foods?

sour patch kids and mac and cheese.

Ice Cream Flavor?

mint chocolate chip.

Are You A Virgin?


Ever Killed Anyone?

if i did..why would i admit to it?

Do You Hate Anyone?

myself and trump about equally.

Do You Have Any Secrets?

this question made me remember when my "secrets" were about who i had crushes on...im just as boring now as i was then.

Favorite season?

fall, when everything is bleak and dead looking, i think it's beautiful.

Best friend?

megan elizabeth. she makes every day worth it. she's goofy, sweet, and just all around my everything. i don't want to live without her.


theatre, playing guitar, writing, reading

Favorite drink?



july 10th

What age did you die?

10? it was the beginning of my depression, and the first time i self harmed.

Nice or mean?

nice mostly, but i have no patience for ignorant people.

Social or shy?

socially anxious but outgoing

Thoughts about parents?

i know they mean well.


i put people before me, constantly. i never put me first. i take too much on at once, thinking i can handle it, and it always takes me down in the end.

How long can you stay under water?

is this a blowjob question?

What do you do on a regular daily basis?

think about how much i want to die.

Do you love someone?

i don't know man.

Last time you wet yourself?

um what?

Favorite bands?

ive answered this question before.

Ever worn a dress?




What do you consider fun in the daytime?

playing ukulele, writing, doing my makeup

In the nighttime?

staying up, posting on wattpad, thinking about my inevitable death, watching netflix

Ever kissed anyone?


Of the same gender?

heck yeah man, im scandalous

If you had any power what would it be?

to change the possibility of things happening.

What's your favorite thing to touch?


Anyone love you?

probably not. im a good datemate, but im not attractive or good enough for anyone. :)

What's your favorite color?

purple, green, and orange.

When was the last time you cried?

the time i lost all of my global project and i realized i had to finish in one night.

Do you have a pet?

two cats

What did you name your pet?

mittens and daryl

Are you crazy?

yeah probably.

What are three words to describe how you're feeling?

sarcastic, depressed, sick.

What's your nickname?

actually i don't have one that sticks.

Do you consider yourself to be a happy or down person?

even if you don't know me, even if you've NEVER spoken to me, judging by this here tag, what do you think?

If you were a superhero, you'll be...

the hulk. seems like a good stress reliever.

Favorite movie?


Current occupation?


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