How To Do Well Sophmore Year: A Note To Self

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1. Take Friggen Notes
You spent a lot of 9th grade zoning out in class, then having almost no idea what was going on in class. Especially math. If you aren't given books, or if the teacher doesn't mainly use a book to teach, take notes on what they are talking about. It'll keep you focused, and it'll be good to study off of.

2. Stay out of drama.
It's not worth your time to get caught up in petty stuff. Toxic people only bring you down, they don't help you get closer to where you want to be. Keep people who are positive and making good decisions in life, and that's it.

3. Make new friends!
That said, there are tons of good people out there. Find them, and make new friends! Come out of your shell more, and keep your reputation good. Don't sell yourself out as a hoe, that's not who you are.

4. Actually study
School matters now. This is the year that is gonna count towards getting you out of The Middle of Nowhere. Study hard for tests, quizzes, everything. And do your homework! All year!! I know it's hard and you hate it, but you're gonna hate yourself more when you get behind. Teachers don't care about you, you're gonna have to do it yourself.

5. Get in a routine
Since you're adding seminary to your list of things to do daily, you're gonna have to have a routine to get everything done. Make sure you're going to sleep at a reasonable time, and waking up at the same time every day.

6. Use your agenda
Your agenda is an easy way to stay organized and make sure you have all your due dates in order. Use it. It'll help. Seriously.

7. Do more things!
High school is supposed to be the "best years of your life." Take advantage of every opportunity you have! Go to football games, dances, go out with friends, just go out. Make sure you have time for yourself to live your life.

8. Be more confident
You are a talented person. You can do stuff! But your anxiety gets in the way 99% of the time. You could do so much more if you just..did it! Don't think. Remember what Kyler said.

9. Take care of yourself
Mentally, Physically, Academically, Socially, Emotionally, and Spiritually, you gotta take care of yourself. You can't do too much at once, or you shut down. You CAN handle it. But make sure you take breaks when you need it. Do simple self care tasks, just whatever you need to recharge. That doesn't mean procrastination, though.

10. Stay positive!
Seriously, you got this. You can handle whatever comes your way. You are strong, and worthy. Just keep a positive attitude, study hard, and enjoy your year.


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