Day One- Busy

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busy means distractions.

distractions from my own thoughts, from my own self hate, from my own downward spiral of depression. (+)

busy means stress.

less time to do homework, no time to relax, no time for basic things, like showering. (-)

busy means socializing.

talking to people, forming new friendships, and teamwork to put everything together. (+)

busy means anxiety.

what if this isn't good what if i spend too much time here and my gpa suffers and what if i fail all my classes and what if i forget what im doing and all these people are so much better than me and holy shit everyone here hates me (-)


busy but mentally okay for a little bit.

busy but making things work.

busy but i have some new friends.

busy and stressed.

busy and anxious.

busy...but getting better.
hyello everyone okay so that was Day One of the 30 Day challenge given to me by my global teacher, so basically im going to be posting every day for the next 30 days!

hopefully this will:

1) better my mental health

2) get me back in the habit of posting every day

3) help me be more creative

like i just wrote about, ive been really busy lately, but im going to make it my mission to follow through with this, for my sake and maybe for anyone who keeps up with this shit.

anyway, thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!


Kai Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon