Day Nine Part One: Tag

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1. Full Name: Kai Marie (no last name, sorry)
2. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
3. 3 Fears: The Dark, Snakes, and Losing People I love
4. 3 Things I Love: Music, Writing, and Theatre
5. My Best Friend: Megan
6. Last Song I Listened To: well, there's kinda two. the last song i heard was "Attention" but the last song I willingly put on was "Migraine" by Twenty One Pilots
7. 4 Turn Ons: a good personality and sense of humor, a good taste in music, neck kisses, going out of your way to do something with me just because you love me.
8. 4 Turn Offs: being racist, homophobic,  transphobic, trump supporter, etc..being rude to your parents, talking to multiple people at once, and not being supportive
9. What Color Underwear: Black Boxers b o i
10. Tattoos/Piercings: ears, i want to get tattoos soon though
11. Reason Why I Joined Twitter: Mitch Frickin Welling bois, (aka flatsound)
12. How I Feel Right Now: okay i guess? not as bad as ive been lately.
13. Something I Want: a date mate? or just like companionship? im extremely lonely.
14. Relationship Status: if my last response didn't answer this, im painfully single.
15. Meaning Behind My URL: I made this account when I was 12, and I was a huge Taylor Swift fan. I saw her in Washington DC on July 14th, 2015. Thus, TheRealSwiftie71415
16. Favorite Movies: I never can answer this question, but I love anything super dark. I'm fucked up.
17. Favorite Songs: At this current moment on this current day I like Temporary Tattoo by Fredo Disco, Your Father's Car by Flatsound, and Home by Anthony Amorim
18. My Favorite Bands/Singers: twenty one pilots, flatsound, cavetown, panic! at the disco, anthony amorim, gorillaz, fredo disco, ed sheeran, taylor swift, gnash, and crywank.
19. Three Things That Upset Me: people hurting my friends, people talking shit about my friends, and my friends being upset. i love my friends. a lot.
20. Three Things That Make Me Happy: people doing nice things, people that make me feel special, and nice surprises
21. What I Find Attractive In Other People: an equal balance of being funny, nice, polite, and just a little bit nerdy.
22. Someone I Miss: my past self.
23. Someone I Love: romantically? no one..i think.
24. Relationship With Parents: pretty good, on the surface. they love me as long as im the good, straight, mormon girl they think i am. as long as i put up a front im okay.
25. Favorite Holiday: Christmas 100%
26. Closest Twitter Friend: i love my gcs but i don't really have a close friend..oops.
27. Someone From Twitter I Would Date: woah there friend you might need to slow down..
28. A Confession: ive kissed multiple people but only enjoyed kissing one...maybe two if platonic dares count??
29. 3 Things That Annoy Me Easily: not doing your share in group work, being a dick to your parents, and whistling.
30. Favorite Animal: penguins? they're my old branding but i still love them
31. Pets: two cats, mittens and daryl that annoy me but i still love them
32. One Thing I've Lied About: "oh sorry i didn't mean to hang up but my mom wants me ill text you in a minute" LESLIE IF YOURE READING THIS YOURE THE ONLY PERSON I DONT DO THAT WITH OKAY
33. Something That's Currently Worrying Me: my friend's wellbeing..
34. Embarrassing Moment: i accidentally said i was in the wrong grade in front of a bunch of people and my friends just HAD to point it out
35. Where I Work: my school. 9 hours a day. :)
36. Something That's Constantly On My Mind: WHEN WILL THIS FUCKING HIATUS BE OVER
37. Habits I Have: catching feelings then convincing myself im not good enough for them and moving on, not paying attention in class, being really loud sometimes
38. Future Goals: becoming a child psychologist, continuing my passion of music, going to europe.
39. Something I Fantasize About: um? nothing? what do you want from me?
40. Favorite Stores: Sephora, Hot Topic, Burlington
41. Favorite Food: mac and cheese (also im a really good cook ask anyone)
42. What I Did Yesterday: stayed home and had a mental breakdown
43. Something I'm Talented At: singing. i fricken love music and ill sing to you any time.
44. My Ideas Of A Perfect Date: theres this road me and my dad drive down sometimes to listen to music and jam, its gorgeous in the fall. ive always wanted to take someone there, just to walk.
45. Celebrity Crush: fredo disco THEYRE LIKE HEAVEN ON EARTH
46. A Photo Of Myself: no thx you don't wanna see this trust me
47. Favorite Twitter Accounts: the "i feel like" account, brennen taylor, lil phag, and conan gray
48. Number Of Kids I Want: some days i want none some days i want 2 some days i want 600 it just depends
49. Do I Smoke/Drink: nope
50. BONUS QUESTION: favorite phrases: i love saying "sisters" like james taylor, "mood," "heck yeah man," and "literally" for like everything. im a millennial.

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