Day Eight: Babysitting a Mental Breakdown

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babysitting a mental breakdown means opening your eyes but never really waking up.

babysitting a mental breakdown means not going to school because you mentally can't handle it.

babysitting a mental breakdown means staying in bed all day until it gets to the point where it actually hurts to lay down.

babysitting a mental breakdown means binge watching all of stranger things in one day but being too depressed to take a shower.

babysitting a mental breakdown means calling a friend to try to reconnect with the world but failing because you're terrified that you're boring.

babysitting a mental breakdown means trying to care for yourself but stressing about not getting that done either.

babysitting a mental breakdown means wanting to cry so badly but not being able to let it out.

babysitting a mental breakdown means watching beauty gurus all day for no real reason other than the self-made theory that it helps with depression

babysitting a mental breakdown means trying to help friends to make you feel better but not having the motivation to text anyone back.

so if you want to know why you didn't see me today...

i was babysitting a mental breakdown.

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