An Open Letter To My Ex Best Friends

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Dear Ex Friend #1,

You were my first best friend. Unfortunately, I was so little that I didn't realize, but you were showing me that it's okay for people to tear you down, especially your friends. You tore down my self worth, and to this day I can still hear your taunting. Thanks for fucking up literally my entire life (:

Dear Ex Friend #2,

Honestly I really don't even consider you a huge loss until I really think about it. I mean, where do your loyalties stand exactly? We were best friends since we were in 3rd grade, and then one stupid fight and suddenly you picked sides, and that side wasn't mine. Thanks for showing me some bitches just aren't worth it.

Dear Ex Friend #3,

Sigh. You were actually a really close friend. You were someone I could always, always, ALWAYS talk to, and the same went for you. But unfortunately, when people picked sides, once again you were not on mine. I don't know where we stand anymore, but it's definitely not together. Treat him well. Thanks for showing me that once you let someone go, they're gone.

Dear Ex Friend #4,

Honestly I don't even know if you belong on this list or not. Our relationship is rather...complicated. it may just be because you're fake, or you just don't want to be friends with me when your s/o is around, I don't know. But I do know that if you cared that much you'd make an attempt to talk to me. I'm setting aside our past for good, but honestly I don't know if we have a future. Thanks for showing me how badly it can hurt when you do the right thing.

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