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I have two moods. I either have the most inappropriate humor, laugh at everything, make a sarcastic remark to everything, and reference a lot of dead memes
I yell. I rant. I stress. I cry. I completely break down.

There really is no in between. I stay in the first mood during the day, and try to make people laugh...
And at I am.

I hate being criticized.
I hate being told to do things, or being asked to change something. I hate this so much, in fact that I will go out of my way to do the exact opposite of what you told me to do. Last week, my roommate told me to get up, so I waited 15 minutes until she left to get up. And I was almost late for class.

I am addicted to sucsess. I want to be the best at everything I do. So much, in fact, that I do everything and cram my time and don't normally wind down from everything until late in the night. And that's when the stress sets in. I want to be the number one at everything. I want to be the best, most successful person I can be. And my mental health suffers from that.

I really like photos of my friends and I. It is proof that we did something worthy of taking a picture. Its something I really hold onto.

I'm not perfect (:
But I'm trying.

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