Day Sixteen: homophobic

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a letter to my homophobic parents:

love does not cause mental illnesses
love helps me deal with my mental illnesses head on. love is on my team. love has my back. love gets me through the nights that you couldn't. love did not make me depressed just because love wasn't straight.

love has no gender
ive loved a little bit of everyone. and you know what? they were probably a thousand times better than your fucked up shit.

self love has no gender.
your main goal should be that im happy. before i was born, you didn't care what i was born as as long as i was healthy. how come that doesn't matter now. just as soon as i feel like ive gotten a handle on my life, i fucking fall apart because of you.

you don't know me, and you aren't trying that hard to.
i have come out to you at least twice, maybe more. and every time, as soon as i think you understand, you go back to thinking im a cis, straight girl just because i express that a guy is cute or i want makeup

self expression has no gender.
just because i enjoy wearing makeup, does not mean im not trans. i enjoy it because it makes me feel less ugly. and also if you got your ignorant heads out of your asses you would know that there are plenty of guys that wear makeup.

my friends have been a better family to me than you.
my friends love me no matter what name or pronouns i use. my friends love me no matter who im dating. my friends love me for me with no strings attached.

i shouldn't have to hide.
i shouldn't have to hide my first heartbreak. i shouldn't have to hide my first slow dance. i shouldn't have to hide my first kiss or my first real i love you or my first love or any other love after that.

self-love has no age.
i am not to young to know who i am.

i love you.
i love you. even if you don't love me. even if you don't come to my wedding or i don't see you on christmas after i turn 18...i love you.

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