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Camila POV

I woke up from my usual sleep. Obviously hoping that thing with Cameron was a dream. But it's not because he left a little hickey on my neck. Great now I need to cover it up.

I went to my bathroom and took a shower, did my makeup and got dressed. As soon as I got downstairs I saw the guys and girls making breakfast.

"Mornin hot stuff." Taylor said.

"Hey." I giggled.

"I have a question." Jack J asked.

"What's your question?"

"Why do you girls have to dress so nice in 7 am in the morning?"

Me and the girls look at each other and laughed. But the boys gives us confused looks.

"Ohhhhh Jack you always have to look good everyday." I answered.

"It's who we are." Lauren said.

We started talking about what we were gonna do today since it's our day off today.

Than Cameron walked by. Not even noticing me. Wow so you can have a makeout session with me and forget about me the next day?

"Mila can you please help me out with the dishes?" Nash asked.

"Sure brother." Me and Nash are basically siblings. Even tho we met like yesterday.

I started washing one of the dishes and than Nash splashed me with water. Everybody laughed.

"NASH YOU FUCKING DICK!" I splashed him again and it kept going and going.

"Uhhh Camila?"


"What's on your neck?" Nash put wet water on his thumb and gently scrubbed my makeup off.

"u-ummm." Before I could finish Matt yelled "CAMILA GOT A HICKEY!!"

"OOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!" Everybody started laughing even Nash. I looked at Cameron he had a big smirked.

"Mila who did you hooked up with?" Dinah said between her laugh.

"No one." I answered.


Me and Lauren went to my parents house. To get some you know, support.

"Mila!! LoLo!!" My mom and dad greeted us.

"We're good."

"So I heard the wars is coming up!! You girls are gonna show them how it's done." My mom said.

"Yeah about that..." Lauren said.

"What happened?"

"Cameron is back." I answered.

My parents looked at one another.

"Well..never expected his return." My dad said.


"Mila do you like him?" My mom asked.

"NO MOM!!" I lied.

"Mila no need to shout at me." My mom giggled. Lauren gave me a smirked. My dad keeps saying to use protection. Ugh.


Me and Lauren left the my parents house.

Lauren insisted to drive because I've been driving for the whole day. I started thinking about last night and my parents. What I need to know is that why he acting like nothing happened between us. And if he feels the same way.

"MILA!!!!!!" Lauren yelled.

"huh?oh hey."

"Did you know what I asked?"

"Yes. But just incase say it again."

She sighed. "I asked if we should pick up food for the gang?"

"Oh yeah sure."

"What you thinking about?"


"Things? Like possibly things that start with a C?" She smirked.

"Shut the fuck up! Just keep driving so we can pick up the food."

Okay......Mrs. Dallas." She winked.

I rolled my eyes.

♔LOVE VS WAR ♔ | Camila Cabello and Cameron Dallas |Where stories live. Discover now