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/ /A/N honestly I pictured Camila with red hair for like 10 minutes.//

Camila POV

I was here in my motel waiting and organizing my stuff. I set up a little computer that I stole from the police. It was some tracking device to track any criminal in every state/country. I searched up 'Cameron Dallas' because when your in a gang your automatically a criminal.

It popped up all these locations and pictures. I saw some when before he was missing. I was in those pictures. I kept scrolling through where he was missing. But before that I saw a picture of him walking into a pawn shop, boutique, and after that I saw a picture of him talking to a girl with some I think light brown hair.

I zoomed in and I saw the date and time. It was before WARS.

I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door and reveal the face I missed so much. But this time she got black hair.

"KYLIE!!" I yelled and hugged her.

"MILA!!" She hugged me back. She quickly closed the door.

"How long has it been?" She said.

"Few months I think. But how are you?"

"Me? I'm doing well. I got my own business and makeup collection. I also have a clothing line shared with my sister Kendall."

"Wow. But you were in a gang how can you just pop up and have all these businesses?"

"My mom has connections.." She says as she sets some of the hair dyes down.

"You still killing people?" She says.

"Yeah." She laughed. I laughed with her.

"I miss that sometimes.. Going on adventures and kill people." She sighs.

"But I found my happiness."

"How bout you? Do YOU still kill people?" I asked her.

"From time to time. My sister does as well. We have a little gang but not too big. We don't kill them because we want to. We kill them because they did something bad."

"No emotions?"

"No emotions." She chuckles.

I sat in the chair so Ky can do my hair.

"So..." She says while combing her hair.

"How are you?" She said.

"Not good." I said.

"What happen boo?"

"I'm just done being used and lied to. Just found out Landon was my half brother-"

"WHAT! NO WAY?!" She said in shock.

"Way. Cameron is dead. But not dead."

"What do you mean by that?"

"At WARS someone caused him to fell over a 29ft tall building. But when the police came his body was gone. Earlier last night I was at 7/11 and some secret service guy handed me a pin carved C.D and he said he was alive but not tell me so I guess I have to find him myself."

"Damn girl."

"I know."

"So what color? I was thinking like maybe blondish or some blue ombré-OO HOW ABOUT-"

"Red." I said. She stopped talking. She looked dead into my eyes.

"I WAS GONNA SAY RED!" She says. We both laughed.

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