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Lauren POV

I quickly look away and closed my eyes. Suddenly a tear was dripping on my cheek. I wiped it away and breathe.

"So we need to talk about Camila here." Normani started the conversation.

"Go on.." Calum said.

"Well we heard from a witness that she's in Italy along with Cameron. We need a plan for us to sneak out to Italy...." She says.

Ashton gave her a look.

"Normani. We all know this. All of us been banned from Italy since 2011. Including you guys." He says as he sips his coffee.

"I know but like...I was wondering...if...the four most amazing guys in the world...can kill...the prime minister...for us??" She adds a smile.

"You don't understand.." Michael budge in.

"Oh come on! We will even help you! We need to get Mila back." Dinah said.

"Look we know you guys want her back but it's going to take process. We need a plan, fake passports, new identities..." Calum goes on.

"We know a person who can do all of that. Well just two." Ally jumped.

"Who?" Luke asks.

"We just got a person for that okay. All we need is a plan...a-are you guys in?" Normani said.

The four looked at each other.

"Okay. For Mila." Calum said.

As they kept talking about the plan I soon feel a vibration in my butt.

From: Jack G

'Hey. Wanna grab some lunch at panera?😨'

To: Jack G

'Maybe. Sure. I just have a meeting and we can go.'

From: Jack G

'..and maybe can we talk about something's?'

To: Jack G

'..about you and I?'

From: Jack G


To: Jack G

'okay pick me up.'

From: Jack G

'Be there in 20'

Does Jack really want to talk about us? are we going to get back together? Is he gonna hurt me again? But I miss him. What happen of he just don't want to get back together and just be friends?

I mean like I care...BUT WHAT IF-


"Y-Yes." I said.

"What did I just say then?" She said with her arms crossed.

Hate when she does this.

"T-That this um..meeting is over?" I say.

She rolled her eyes. "That's now what I said. I was talking about the partners to make this plan work."

"Than who are the partners?" I said.

She got out a paper and read it.

"Ashton and Ally.
Me and Calum
Dinah and Michael.."


♔LOVE VS WAR ♔ | Camila Cabello and Cameron Dallas |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora