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Camila POV

Kylie and I finally arrived at Calabassas. It was long but were here. I'm at her house waiting for Kylie to come down so we can go to the store.


"What hoe?" She yelled from upstairs.

"Come one it's almost 1 the girl gonna be there by 1:15!!" I said.

"I'm coming I'm coming hold you dick!" She says.

"If I had one don't you think I would?" I said.

She chuckled and came from upstairs. She was wearing casual like a crop top and yoga pants and I was wearing a crop top and sweats.

"Let's go." She says as we walked out the door..


Julia POV

"MOM PLEASE EAT SOMETHING!!" I said to my mom while feeding her soup.

"I'm not hungry." She mumbled.

"Please mom you haven't eaten in 2 days please.."

"JULIA I DONT WANT TO EAT!!" She yelled and smacked the soup out of my hands and landed on the ground.

She cried to her knees and just cried.

"SHES GONE! SHES GONE!" She cried.

"No mom she's not. She's going to come back..."

"What if she doesn't?! It's all my fault!" She sobbed more.

"Mom she's gonna come back."

She stopped so big for a minute..

"I'm going to hire investigators to find her..." She whispered thinking its a great idea.



"Mom the reason why Camila is gone because she's needs space and for good mother like you is to give her that.."

She was silent....

"I need to find your sister..no matter what it takes..." She says silently.

I sighed and walked out of her room..

I dialed Nash's number..

- hi Nash it's Julia
- oh hey what's up?
- nothing much but I was just wondering when was the last time you talked to Camila?
- before she suddenly disappeared.
- oh.
- why?
- my mom is going nuts. So nuts that she's might be willing to hire investigators for Mila..
- that's not really a bad idea...
- no one understands. Camila ran for a reason. She wants space and no one will let her have it.
- it's not that we don't want her to have space..everybody misses her...everything is hell without her..everyone wants her back..
- I know..I just don't know what to do about mom..
- just take care of Mrs. Cabello and we will just think things through..
- okay by Nash!

End of call

Camila POV

We were almost five minutes from the store. Is this it? Am I finally going to know were Cameron is? Is that girl even trustworthy? What happend if it's all a trap and Cameron was straight up dead?!

♔LOVE VS WAR ♔ | Camila Cabello and Cameron Dallas |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ