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Camila POV

"Miss me..?"

It's actually him. The boy who I worked with. A friend that I cherished. My first kiss but we never dated. Damn. He changed.

"What do you want Mahone?" Dinah said.

"You. All of you."

"I want Cabello, Jauregi, Herendez, Koredi, and Jane."

"For what?" I asked.

"Let's be a one gang again."

"Umm..did you not know why we killed you?"

"Yes yes yes. I was a dick to you guys I accidentally killed Dinah's lil cousin. But forget about the past."

"How could I forget about Ry?" Dinah said with anger.

"She was my a baby cousin. She was innocent. And yet you have the right to kill her!!" Dinah yelled and went on Austin.

The girls and I pulled her back.

"DINAH CALM DOWN!!" Lauren yelled.

"NO You know what that's it. We're leaving!" I said. We turned our backs and walked away.

"What about Cameron?" I frozed.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean you and him have been spending time with each other."

"Mila what is he talking about?" Mani asked.

"I'm just being honest. Unlike some people. How bout you Lauren? How are you and Gilinsky doing?"

"I have know idea what your talking about." Lauren stated.

"If you girls back up now. Your going to regret it and loose everything. Your mansion, money, business, friends, and family."

I walked towards Austin.

"You can take whatever you want. But you can not take away my friends and family. Bye Mahone."

The girls and I left the warehouse.

"Guys I honestly do not feel like going home. Especially when the boys are there." Lauren said.

"Same." Mani & Dinah said.

"Remember that mission we had with the Jets?" Ally said.

"Oh yeah that was the best mission I ever been on. I miss the Jets." Dinah said.

"But there're still a gang right?" I asked them.

"I think there retired. They told me they didn't want to do it anymore. Plus they have a lot of money now." Ally said while she's driving.

"I remembered Lauren had a crush on Luke." I laughed.

"HEY! You promised we snot talk about that." Lauren pouted.

"Why don't we make a visit?" I asked.

The girls agreed and we drove off to the JETS.

Cameron POV

".... C'mon Jack speak.." Aaron said.

"Nope. I'm not tell you who I hook up with."

"Why you being such a pussy?" Taylor said

"What are you guys talking about?" I interrupted.

"We are asking Jack who he did the dirty dirty." Matt answered.

"You know.. It's been peaceful and quiet for sometime now.." Jack J said.

"Yeahhh.." I answered.

♔LOVE VS WAR ♔ | Camila Cabello and Cameron Dallas |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora