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| 8 Days till Wars |

Camila POV

I got in my position. I got my gun and pointed at the goons. I shot both of them 2 times. They fell on the floor. I got up the stairs and turned left.

The goal was to get the $100,000 from a safe we need to find by 30 min. I went into a room and try to look for a safe. I went in one of the drawers and found a key. A key for the safe I thought.

I got out the room and went to find the safe. Then my ear piece buzzed.

"Camila we have 10 min you find the safe yet?" Alex asked.

"No but I found the key."

"Okay well hurry or else the whole place will be filled with a big fire."

I turned off my ear piece and continued looking for the safe.

8 min...is the time I have left.

I kept looking through the rooms, closets, and even bathrooms for the safe.


I went into this strange room. It was dark and cold. I looked through my surroundings and It had shelves and shelves of books.

It's a library.

I went into one of the books thinking the safe can be behind it.

I looked through one of the books and it wall all boring shit and stuff.

There was this book that caught the corner of my eye. It was red and gold and had the word "Survivor" on it in bold.

I opened the book and it had gangs from the '70's and the '80's. Wow. Their fashion is really bad. I kept looking through til what I find interesting.

A picture of Landon. I looked at what gang he was in. Something was off. It says he was part of. A.N.J.L. But it can't be because he was part of GDF.

I kept reading more. WHAT THE SHIT?!

Suddenly a green paper was sticking out of the book. I flipped the book to the end and there was a metal cap. I took off the metal cap and there it was. $100,000.

I looked at my watch and I had 3 min left. I put the book in my duffle bag and went out to the door.

The door was locked. Shit. I kept clinging the knob but it fell off. Than I kicked the door and try to kick it opened but no use. Than I used my gun. I was finally out.

I looked at my watch again and I had 45 seconds.

I looked at my surroundings because if I go to the door downstairs I won't have time.

I looked at my watch and I had 15 seconds.

This is gonna hurt. So bad. Especially since I have no long sleeves. I had 8 seconds to leave this damn place. I grabbed my duffle bag and run towards the window.

I blocked my head and face with my arms and jumped through the glass window. I landed in the straight concrete. And everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes. I keep hearing this annoying beeping thing. It finally got to me I was in a hospital room.

I heard the door crack open. It was Austin. He finally made eye contact with me and smiled. Awwe. He's so cute.

He walked towards me and got a chair from the side. He held my hand and rubbed it gently. He kissed it afterwards.

"How you feeling babygirl?" He ask me.

♔LOVE VS WAR ♔ | Camila Cabello and Cameron Dallas |Where stories live. Discover now