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Cameron POV


"....1..2..3 GO!" The gang shooted from the other side. We started shooting at the dummies. We traveled upstairs and post in our positions. The rooftop randomly was opened by one of the girls. Dinah jumped from the roof and landed on her feet. Lauren came from the window and did a twirl. There was a grabiling hook on the window. Normani pushed herself in. Ally on the other hand used the front door. What an entrance.

All of us was in our positions.

"Okay on the count of three we go." They all nodded.


All of us barged in the door and began attacking the dummies. The goal was to find the diamond. Nash took an upper cut to one of the dummies. I spotted the diamond. But one of the dummies had it. I tried to take it off but it wouldn't budge. We needed the diamond in less than 60 seconds or else all this shit will explode.

It was counting down to 20 seconds. The diamond was stuck in a knot and I couldn't get it out.

"Cam let's go the place is gonna explode." Nash yelled.

"We need to get the diamond."

Nash and I kept pulling and pulling. Nothing.

"10." Machine said counting down.

"We need to get out of here bro."


"But the diamond." I said.

"C'mon we will have another chance."


By 2 and a half seconds the glass shattered in pieces.

"1. Bye bye."


"...TIME!!" Hunter said.

"How long did we take?"

"About 8 min." All of us groaned.

"Do we have to take it again I'm tired." Taylor whined.

"Well if you got the diamond you don't have too. BUT YOU DIDNT SO IM AFRA-"

"We did got the diamond." Dinah stated.

"Where is it than? Hmm ?" Hunter being all sassy.

"Right here." Camila said as she rolled it to him.

"How did yo-?" He asked so surprised.

"Between 2 and a half seconds I went through the window and got it in time." So that's why the glass shattered. My baby girl. Smart. I taught her so much.

Camila POV

"Well thanks to Camila you don't have to do it again you may all go home."

All of us cheered. Matt kept yelling Taco Bell which probably meant we should get some for dinner.

"Mila I'm so proud of you. We don't have to do it again." Ally said with relief.

The girls started their own conversation while I was listening. I came across Cameron who smacked my butt and than walked away.

"Camila are you okay?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah why?"

"You kinda jumped a bit."

"Oh it nothing jus a little bit chilly." The girls continued their conversation. I saw Cameron smirked at the corner of my eye. He's gonna get it.

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