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Camila POV

After strolling and strolling in the mall we finally sat down in the food court. I got some vanilla frappe from Starbucks and a cake pop. Julia had the same drink but she ate a brownie.

"How long are you staying here?" I ask her.

"Just for tonight.." She answers. I looked at her face. She seemed worried and flustered.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah it's just my ex boyfriend.."

"Jay? I didn't know you broke up with him."

"Well..we did. He started abusing me-"

I stand up..

"HE ABUSES YOU?!" I said very loudly.

Everybody in the food court looked at us.. I calmly sat down.

Then Julia was startled..


Julia grabbed me and we ran back to the car leaving our drinks behind..

I went to the driver seat and started the car and we were off..

"Julia what the hell was that about?"

"Nothing I'll tell you when we get the house.." She says as she keep looking behind her.

"No your gonna tell me now."

"Damnit Mila I can't."



Julia couldn't finish her sentence. 2 black vans that has red stripes was in front of us and the other was in the back.


She didn't say any thing but all I can see is fear in her eyes.

"Camila..I think this is the last time wer-"


With that I drove backwards. Hitting the black van.. Then I turned to the left and passed through the van in front of us.

I kept speeding up till the follow me again..

But this time they started gun shots..I got out my gun and started shooting. One bitch shot me in my arm. But that didn't let me stop. Then I shot at two of their tires.

I sped up and left them stranded..

"Camila your arm it's bleeding?!" Julia says.

"I'm fine. I'll treat it when we get to the mansion."

She nodded.

"And after that your gonna tell me what just happened back there and why and who.."


I got out from the car. My arm hurts like a mothafucker. Julia held me so I can't stand up straight. I gave my keys to Julia. She opened the door and we went inside.

"They're here!!" Matt yelled.

The girls came down and saw my arm..

"Holy shit Mila your arm?!" Lauren says.

"Can somebody get the first aid kit?"

"I'll get it." Ally says as she went upstairs.

The girls sat me down with Matt.

Then the boys and Cameron came...


"What happened?!" Cameron says .

♔LOVE VS WAR ♔ | Camila Cabello and Cameron Dallas |Where stories live. Discover now