♔28 \/pt.3\/

463 16 3

Camila POV

Hours. It's been hours. Nothing. I should just give up. I can't even find my girls here. Everything is like a maze and all these rooms. I'm tired and hungry. I want to sleep. But I can't give up something that's so important. But no one knows what I feel. When they see me they always think 'ooh she has an amazing life being in a gang killing people and being filthy rich and owns the world' that's now what it's all about. Everything is hard. I always have to follow what people say. I don't have a choice.

I do what's best for people. Maybe that should change? I've been doing this for 20 years. All of my life I've been pleasing people making them happy. When I forgot what's important. I don't make myself happy. People know me a lot I don't even know myself. Maybe I should try. Try to figure myself out. But then again I can't leave my gang.

All this shit is so frustrated! I just need to find that diamond and go to sleep.

"Did you guys find anything?" I said to my ear piece.

"No." They all said.

"What floor are you guys?"

"I'm at 1st." Lauren said.

"1st but bottom half." Ally said.

"5th upper." Normani said.

"I think 5th bottom." Dinah answered.

"Okay well I'm at 4th upper and if their is any stairs or elevators come to the 4th."


I kept looking a rooms and rooms and book shelves. Nada. I kept walking and walking. Gosh. What time is it? Is it like 2 am or something. Probably. Instead I'm just gonna run. I ran to the largest hallway. I kept passing through doors and room numbers. My feet was quicken up my space and my hair was flowing in the air. I was sweating like a pig. I kept running and passed by a silver plate number on a door. It was shiny. Since I passed it I decided to run back.

I arrived at the door. I looked at the room number. "3113."

' I was running towards the door..

"Wait Camila!" Julia said.



"Huh what's that?"

"You'll see."

End of flashback.

I wondered what was room 3113. But I had an unfeeling in my stomach. I took a deep breathe and turned the knob.

I opened the door to see only a lamp turned on. I closed the door behind me. I suddenly saw smoke coming behind the chair. Is this some joke?

"It took you long enough." The voice said.

I quickly got out my gun and pointed at the back of the chair.

"Who are you?" I said to the voice.

The chair turned around.....



Nash's POV

I quickly went to the upper 3rd floor since I was at the down on. I need to get the boys. After reading that note....I don't know. I just we are not gonna let him do that.

I kept running and running...

"Guys! Were are you?" I said to my ear piece.

"3rd upper floor." Jack J said.

♔LOVE VS WAR ♔ | Camila Cabello and Cameron Dallas |Where stories live. Discover now