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Camila POV

We've just arrived home. Hoping that the boys are not awake.

"Do you think they are sleeping?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah. It's late so they probably are." I answered

"WELL YOUR ANSWER IS WRONG." We heard a voice behind us. It was hot 8 guys standing.

"Oh h-heyyy." All of us stuttered.

Than Cameron stepped forward.

"Where did you guys?" He said.

"Mall." I answered.

"Where's your shopping bags?"

"We didn't buy anything so we ate."

"Why do you smell like weed and blood?" He stepped a little closer.

"Why you always on my dick?"

"Didn't know you have one."

I stepped closer..

"I'm trans."

The girls started laughing leaving with all the boys shocked.

"Guys c'mon I'm not trans. I was born with a vagina ok?"

The boys had relief faces. I chuckled.

"But seriously why do you smell like you killed somebody and smoking weed while doing it?" Matt asked.

"We made a visit to a friend.."

All of sat in the white lounge continuing to talk..


"JETS." Dinah said.

"JETS? You mean the gang that was seriously badass till they retired?" Cam asked.

All of us nodded.

"We're pretty close to them they help us a lot and we needed advice on someone." I said.

"Who's someone?"

I looked at the girls. They gave me a nod that I should say it.

"Are you familiar with the name Austin Mahon?" I asked them.

All four of them was silent. Then they all turned to Cameron.

"So you do know him." Normani said.

Cameron looked he has seen a ghost. And partly dead.

"I'm gonna get some air." Cameron said.

He opened the door and closes it behind him.

"Wait. Does Cameron know Austin?" I asked.

They all looked at each other. Then they got up...

"CAM WILL TELL YA." They all said and went upstairs.

"Well.. I guess we will continue this chat in the morning." Ally said and all the girls got up.

"Night Mila." They all said.

"Night guys." I told them.

I went outside to find Cameron. He was in the lake throwing rocks.

"Cameron." I said.

He ignore me.

"Cameron." I said louder.

I turned his shoulder so he would be face to face with me.

"What's your problem?" I asked him.


"Than why did you react that way when I mentioned Austin? How do you know hi-"

♔LOVE VS WAR ♔ | Camila Cabello and Cameron Dallas |Where stories live. Discover now